Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 501: Magic Beast

Chapter 501: Magic Beast (1)
"Husband has an immortal body?" Shuang'er said to herself.

"How is it possible, if he is really immortal, he will not be downgraded to level [-], and he will go to Mount Sumeru with us." Mercury said.

"But why is our attack ineffective?" Qiu Zimei asked.

"I remembered that last time in the martial arts competition, we used the five-element array to attack him, and he wouldn't lose blood when we hit him at the last moment. It seems that this kind of purple thing also appeared." Jin Xing said.

"Have you noticed that my husband seems to have been pushed up by a one-horned beast king three times on Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, but he seems to be fine." Xuemei said to everyone if she realized something.

The women obviously didn't know about Leng Ye's affair with He's Bi, not only Xuemei didn't know, even Shuang'er who had a piece of black jade (a piece of He's Bi) hanging around her neck didn't know anything about it.

"There's still one minute left, what should we do? Brother Chang, think of a way!" Shuang'er shouted again.

Chang Baicao shook her head with a bitter look on her face.

At this time, Bauhinia stood up and said, "Didn't my husband always teach us to use our brains in everything? Why don't we try to throw him from here!"

When Shuang'er heard this, she said anxiously: "Sister Zi, did you make a mistake! If you throw your husband down from here, wouldn't he die?" Shuang'er was so anxious that she forgot that they wanted Leng Ye to "die" in the first place. Yes, let him "die" before the magic of the cashew nut completely occupied Leng Ye's body.

The ice witch said: "No, no! Last time in Tanzania, my husband fell off the back of the green dragon and survived."

Shuang'er said anxiously: "I don't have time, I just have to try." I don't know where Shuang'er got so much strength, so she carried Leng Ye on her back and walked towards the window.

What surprised everyone happened again.What they never expected was that Shuang'er jumped down together with Leng Ye behind her back... Before jumping, Shuang'er shouted: "Honey, let us live and die together!"

Chang Baicao shook her head and said, "Sister Shuang'er is so stupid, she will definitely die with this jump..."

The girls hurried to the window, their eyes widened again, because they saw a figure, a familiar figure, shouting one by one: "Husband——"

In the sky above Sword Demon City, a big bird spread its wings and flew, and there was a man and a woman on the big bird, the woman was in front and the man was behind.The man hugged the woman tightly, talking and laughing, looking sweet.

This big bird is Leng Ye's most loyal partner - the golden-winged roc.And that man is Leng Ye, and the woman is Shuang'er.


"Shuang'er, this is a secret between us, when you see them later, you should know what to say!" Leng Ye said while holding Shuang'er in his arms.

"Hmm! Shuang'er is not stupid, she won't talk nonsense, so don't worry, husband." Shuang'er said in a delicate voice.

"Hey! Boss, I am also your savior! Thank you for not seeing you!" said the golden-winged roc.

"You too?... Shuang'er, did Dapeng save me?" Leng Ye said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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