Chapter 503 Penger (1)
As soon as Leng Ye returned to the Sword Demon Building, several girls gathered around and asked each other, "Honey, why are you still alive?"

Leng Ye smiled, hugged Mercury and Qiu Zimei in his arms, and said, "Do you really want me to die?"

The girls all said, "Yes, yes! We are so disappointed that you are not dead."

Leng Ye secretly sighed: "These hypocritical women!"

Jin Dao and Chang Baicao were relieved knowing that Leng Ye was fine, and they left together without any intention of being light bulbs.

Shuang'er stood up and said, "It was really thrilling just now! If the divine eagle hadn't appeared in time, my husband and I would have fallen to our deaths."

Gold-winged Dapeng suddenly said: "Sister Shuang'er is flattering you, that's what I should do." It doesn't matter what she said, and immediately frightened a few girls.

" can it talk?" the pungent Martian asked idiotically.

"I am a beautiful, intelligent, innocent and lovely high-level magic beast that fascinates thousands of young men. Of course I can speak." Garuda said, flapping its wings while speaking.

"It's just you? You're not even a birdman, but you've captivated thousands of young men! I think it's almost enough to scare thousands of young men!" Huo Xing said.

"! Hmph!" The golden-winged roc changed suddenly, and then, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone present was immediately stunned by this little girl, including Leng Ye of course, their eyes widened.This little girl not only has an innocent and cute baby face, but also a beauty and a ruffian. Once she undergoes the Eighteen Changes of the Women's University, her appearance will definitely not be inferior to Shuang'er and Qiu Zi.

"This...this...husband, where did you abduct this underage girl?" Shuang'er exclaimed.

"Isn't this the golden-winged roc!" Leng Ye said with a smile.Of course Leng Ye knew that the golden-winged roc had such a transformation ability. What surprised him was not the beauty of the little girl, but that he vaguely felt that the little girl looked familiar, but he didn't know where he had seen it before.

"Boss, don't call me 'Bird' anymore after I've transformed! Call me Peng'er!" The little girl pouted.

"Understood, Divine Condor!"

"Don't call it that!"


"It's Peng'er!!!"

Seeing the little girl's angry look, Leng Ye laughed out loud.

Seeing Peng'er's appearance, the girls believed Shuang'er's words and didn't ask any further questions.Leng Ye's resurrection from the dead undoubtedly brought them great joy, and they all surrounded Leng Ye, as if they were afraid that he would "die" again.

Leng Ye suddenly remembered the pot of Ruolan flowers, and said to the girls: "I'll go to the women's elite meeting again, wait for me after washing, and no one is allowed to run away!"

"Are you going to see that vixen again?" Huo Huo said immediately.She looked very angry, as if she had a deep hatred with Shui Rulan.

"Sister Huo'er, please don't say a few words!" Several girls persuaded one after another.

"Fox spirit? Are you talking about Shui Gangzhu? Do you all know each other?" Leng Ye asked.Obviously he didn't know anything about what would happen in the female elite. As for why he "died" and why he "jumped off the building", I'm afraid Shuang'er had already given her a "reasonable" explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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