Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 512 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 512 Making a noise in the church (1) ([-])
(The lemur is the wild animal that ranks first in the world's endangered animal list, and has been considered one of the largest endangered species. The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources lists all lemurs in the "Red Book" of endangered animals. Lazy eggs Just borrowing the name here, without any motive for killing wild animals)
As soon as a few people entered, the door closed automatically again.Leng Ye and a few girls reappeared in a dim corridor, and they reached the end of the corridor within a few steps.

Familiar with the road, Leng Ye quickly found a keyhole on the wall, and inserted the key tentatively.The door did not open, obviously the key in his hand is not a panacea.

Leng Ye looked at the wall of the corridor for a long time, but did not find any hidden door mechanism, and asked, "Moyhawa, do you know who has the key?"

"Young Xia Leng, I...I don't know either. Every time I come to this place, I'm blindfolded." Moyhawa said.

Leng Ye secretly sighed: "It seems that you are not a qualified tour guide!" Then he said to the girls: "Everyone, look carefully to see if there is any secret passage like the small door just now."

As soon as Leng Ye finished speaking, a wide gate appeared on the wall on the left side of the corridor, enough to allow four cars to pass side by side.As soon as the door opened, Leng Ye's eyes lit up.Inside the gate is a step with hundreds of floors. The steps are full of densely packed lemurs, all holding bows and arrows in their hands, and the arrows are already attached to the bows.

Before everyone could react, arrows flew over like a rainstorm.Although the attack of a single arrow is not high, the number is huge. If it continues, it will be difficult for Leng Ye and the others to escape.At the same time, a man's deep voice sounded in the hall: "Leng Ye, you are so brave, you dare to kill my disciples and grandchildren, today I will let you live and die!"

Leng Ye ignored this arrogant guy, swiped his lazy sword, and performed a "broken arrow style". Then, the lazy sword spun rapidly like a fan blade, forming a circle with a diameter of three feet in front of Leng Ye. Mi's "Jianping", and Leng Ye's feet are off the ground, and his body has already floated into the air.

The densely packed swords from the lemurs hit the "Jian Screen", and were immediately cut in half and fell to the ground, let alone hurt Leng Yeban.

Look at the girls again, after receiving the first arrow, they all cleverly hid behind Leng Ye.Xuemei and Shuangju immediately took out the bows and arrows in their hands, and shot fiercely at the lemurs in the front row. What surprised Leng Ye and the girls was that the "Sword Screen" seemed to be only effective for the bows and arrows of the lemurs, while Xuemei He Shuangju's arrows could easily pass through the sword screen without any influence.

Bow-wielding monsters are often not very powerful characters, and lemurs are no exception.Xuemei and Shuangju can take the life of a lemur every time they shoot an arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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