Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 516 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 516 Making a Row in the Church (2) ([-])
Leng Ye has been sleeping for two days. He felt in a daze that someone was tickling him, so he closed his eyes and said, "Shuang'er, stop making trouble, let me sleep for a while." How did Leng Ye know that Shuang'er was lying on his bed right now Sleeping on my shoulders for the second time!
The more Leng Ye said this, the more he scratched his hands. In desperation, Leng Ye opened his eyes and saw a twelve or thirteen-year-old little beauty. He rubbed his eyes and found that he was right, Exclaimed: "Peng'er, you have grown up!"

"Yeah! You lazy bastard! How's it going? Isn't it much prettier?" Peng'er said coquettishly.

"Pretty, really beautiful! It would be even more beautiful if it didn't disturb my sleep." Leng Ye said.

"Hmph!" Peng'er ignored Leng Ye after finishing speaking, picked up the sword in his hand, and threw it at the group of lemurs.

I saw that the sword circled in the air for a week and returned to Peng'er's hand again, the sword was dripping with blood.Looking at where the sword passed, the heads of the lemurs were cut off one by one, and then bursts of white light floated up.With this sword, at least dozens of "monkey lives" were taken away.

Leng Ye stared blankly, and then looked at the long sword in Peng'er's hand, it turned out to be Leng Ye's treasure - Lazy Sword.Leng Ye was shocked, and asked: "Peng'er, how did you steal my lazy sword?" Leng Ye's lazy sword was placed in the ring of space, and apart from him, there is probably no one else who can take it out.Unexpectedly, Peng'er said: "Boss, I thought you were too lazy, so I took out the sword to play with, and help you kill some monkeys. This sword will rust after a long time." Peng'er said He threw the lazy sword again.

Leng Ye felt that this little girl was elusive, and she was becoming more and more mysterious, so she secretly said happily: "With Peng'er's help, I can sleep in peace. I just don't know where there is a tent for sale!"

Bored, Leng Ye said to Peng'er: "May I give you a name for this move?"

"Okay, okay!" Peng'er immediately agreed.

"It's called, once the lazy girl shows off her power, she will be invincible all over the world!" Leng Ye laughed.

"You're lazy! Besides, it's too long. Change it, change it!"

"I have a flying sword technique, I think yours is also called flying sword technique!"

"Boss, you're too lazy! It's called Flying Swordsmanship, how can you show both beauty and wisdom, the incarnation of a goddess and a narrow sense, and show off Peng'er's heroic posture!"

Sweating in a cold night~~~ In the end, he racked his brains to come up with a name that would satisfy the little girl——Beautiful Swordsmanship.Although it's very vulgar, Peng'er likes it, so Leng Ye has nothing to say.

After killing for another two days, when Peng'er reached level [-], the little girl became impatient and said, "Boss, let's go!"

Leng Ye sighed: "Let's go? I have no objection, but how do we go?"

"That's your business, Boss! Return the lazy sword to you, I'm going to sleep." Peng'er disappeared after finishing speaking.After a while, Peng'er's voice came from the pet space again: "Boss, I forgot to tell you, I can no longer upgrade here!"

"Since you can't upgrade, let's go!" Leng Ye thought, and casually said to the girls: "Wife, kill the lemur quickly, so we can leave here."

(End of this chapter)

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