Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 530 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 530 Making a Row in the Church (2) ([-])
"Husband, this alone is not enough! Think of a way to kill all these magicians at once!"

"Yes, husband, think about what to do!"


The girls expressed that they want Leng Ye to get along with each other as soon as possible so that they can wipe out these ignorant lemurs in one fell swoop.

Leng Ye smiled wryly, thinking: "This group of women is really real, they look for their husbands for everything. Is a husband omnipotent? Life is hard!"

"Husband, if we finish killing these lemur magicians, will we have to kill SS-level beasts again? This time we want to see the bravery of my husband." Shuang'er said with a smile.

As soon as he heard that he was going to kill a SS-level beast again, Leng Ye felt uncomfortable and thought to himself: "Shuang'er, Shuang'er, do you think my husband and I can be so lucky every time? Aren't you obviously embarrassing me?"

Leng Ye was thinking, when he suddenly saw the Ruyi Bian in Peng'er's hand, he was overjoyed, and said to Peng'er: "Peng'er, can your Bianbian create a weapon that can kill all the lemurs here at the same time. "

Peng'er looked at Leng Ye, at Ruyi Bian, and then at the dense crowd of lemurs. He tilted his head and said, "Boss, what weapon can kill sixty-six thousand, six hundred and sixty-six lemurs at the same time!"

Leng Ye smiled wryly: "If I know, I don't need to ask you."

Unexpectedly, Peng'er said: "Boss, let me think about it!"

Hearing Peng'er's words, hope was rekindled in Leng Ye's heart, and he said, "Peng'er is so beautiful and smart, so he can definitely come up with a good idea. When you think of a good way, you will become even more beautiful gone."

When Peng'er heard Leng Ye praised her for her beauty, she jumped up happily, and then muttered, "If you want to change, you will become a phoenix, and when the phoenix nirvana burns the monkey."

As soon as Peng'er finished speaking, the Ruyi Bian in her hand actually turned into a fire phoenix, spreading its wings and flying towards the group of lemur mages.What surprised Leng Ye was that the fire phoenix was immune to magic, so that the lemur magician was completely ineffective against it.

When the fire phoenix flew over the center of the group of lemurs, it let out a piercing long cry, and then, like an atomic bomb exploded, its whole body exploded.

Countless sparks immediately appeared in the sky, falling on the body of the lemur magician like a meteor shower.As soon as the spark touched the lemur magicians, they set them ablaze, and their mournful howls followed.After a while, it turned into a burst of white light and was reborn.

(End of this chapter)

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