Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 534 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 534 Making a noise in the church (2) ([-])
In the dim corridor, Peng'er raised her little hand high and said, "Sister Shuang'er, I opened it with this."

"The key? Isn't this the key from the SS-level beast Lemur King? I have already used it to open the door once. Could it be that this key is omnipotent?" Leng Ye dodged the key from Peng'er's hand, and Said to himself.

"The key is the key, how could it be the master key! Boss, you have confused me!" Peng'er raised his head and asked, seeing that Leng Ye ignored her, he turned his head to Shuang'er and asked, "Shuang Sister, do you know?"

Shuang'er smiled, and explained the master key to Peng'er...

Leng Ye ignored the two women (one woman and one beautiful pet), and said to the other women: "Wife, find out where the keyhole is."

This time it was Bauhinia who had a quick eye and quickly found the keyhole.Without the slightest hesitation, Leng Ye quickly inserted the key in, and the door ahead opened automatically as Leng Ye expected.

As soon as the door was opened, Leng Ye said to everyone: "Let's go! Everyone, let's go!"

Just as the girls passed through the gate ahead, a gate appeared on the wall on the left side of the corridor behind, and then countless lemur warriors (here specifically referring to all monsters in melee combat) rushed over with swords and axes .Leng Ye quickly pulled out the key, Mi Zongbu passed through the door ahead and came to the next place.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be the territory of the lemur priest. There is nothing to be afraid of. Let's find out where the keyhole is first, and then take a rest here. It may be very dangerous ahead." Leng Ye said to the girls Said.

The girls all nodded in agreement.Maybe it's because this is indeed the territory of priests (the light family), so the light is much brighter than before.It was also the place where Bauhinia was the first to discover the keyhole.

"Husband, with the master key, can we open all the doors here?" Qiu Zimei asked.

"Sister Zimei, are you stupid for sleeping with your husband! Of course the master key can open all the doors, otherwise it would be called the master key!" Huxing teased.

The girls also laughed.

On the contrary, Leng Ye was reminded by Qiu Zimei's seemingly mentally retarded words, thinking: "When I first entered the church, the first key that was revealed could only open one door. But I accidentally killed the SS-level divine beast Lemur King Burst This one turned out to be a master key, regardless of whether it can open all the doors, judging from the fact that it can open three doors in a row, the Lemur King really has a lot of power here! You must know that you can kill all the doors at the same time. It is not an easy task to kill tens of thousands of monkeys."

Suddenly, the secret door on the left wall of the corridor opened. Compared with the previous doors, this door was wider and higher, occupying almost the entire wall.

What surprised Leng Ye was that this time it was not thousands of lemur priests who appeared at the door, but a female priest in her early twenties, with yellow hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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