Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 536 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 536 Making a Row in the Church (1) ([-])
(The door opened on the wall of the corridor is actually a space-time gate. There is a different space beyond the door, which can be understood as another world. This exists for the task. After the task is over, the time-space gate and the different space disappear.)
I saw the blank cloud above the female priest's head rolling, gradually showing colorful colors. If they didn't see the existence of the female priest, Leng Ye and others would definitely think it was an auspicious photo.However, at this moment they felt an ominous feeling, a feeling that death was coming.

Ordinary priest players don't have any attack power at all in the early stage, and only three attack types of skills appear after level [-].As the saying goes, if you don't make a sound, you will be a blockbuster. Any of the three attack skills of the priest can be compared with the skills of the mage of the same level.In particular, the forbidden curse Light of Judgment, which can only be comprehended at level [-], has an indiscriminate and large-scale attack, even surpassing all the forbidden curses of mages, such as the flame curse and ice curse, and has become a terrifying existence that makes people frightened.In a sense, if you annoy a level [-] priest who has comprehended the Light of Judgment of the Forbidden Curse, then you will not only be killed, but at the very least be killed.

However, such a powerful skill is not something every priest can comprehend. In addition to having enough talent (let's call it that, I will explain it later), this priest also needs to have a lot of luck.Shuang'er is undoubtedly one of the lucky ones.

Leng Ye and the women had already seen the forbidden spell used by Shuang'er. Although only monsters of level [-] or [-] were instantly killed, the large-scale attack (killing tens of thousands of monsters at the same time) was enough to scare everyone.Leng Ye had seen Shuang'er use the forbidden spell twice. Although the level of the monsters killed in seconds were about the same, Leng Ye could tell that the latter one was much more powerful than the previous one.He also noticed that when Shuang'er was killing the Lich in the Demon Temple, the auspicious clouds that appeared in the sky had only two colors, but when he killed the Lemur Archer in the Church, it turned into three colors, and the last time the cloud that fell from the sky was white The beam of light was also much thicker than before.

"Husband, look at the colorful auspicious clouds appearing, and the forbidden spell will be released soon! Think of a way!" Shuang'er said urgently.

"Colorful auspicious clouds?" Leng Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked up at the sky, and sure enough, the pure white clouds before had changed into five colors of "red, orange, yellow, green and blue".Leng Ye knew that the forbidden spell of the female priest in front of him was much more powerful than Shuang'er's, and his breath of death was getting stronger and stronger.

"Does anyone know what the priest is most afraid of when he casts the forbidden spell? What can interrupt the priest's singing?" Leng Ye asked the girls anxiously for advice.Without even thinking about it, the girls blurted out:

"Slap her!"

"Kill her!"

"Molested her!"


"Tickle her!"

The last sentence was said by Peng'er.

Leng Ye couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, he couldn't believe that these people in front of him were his wives, and they could still make such jokes at this moment of life and death. Bar!"

(End of this chapter)

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