Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 541 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 541 Making a Row in the Church (1) ([-])
"Mother, he is Leng Ye, who killed the father! He also bullied the daughter. Kill him to avenge the father and daughter!" Princess Lemur pointed at Leng Ye and shouted.

Leng Ye saw Princess Lemur getting angry when she spoke, and felt that she was savage and cute.

Only then did he turn his eyes away from Princess Lemur, and Leng Ye saw the lemur and got off the bed. It didn't matter, Leng Ye only felt his nose sore, and blood came out.In the game, this is the first time Leng Ye has a nosebleed, even when facing the ketone bodies of Shuang'er and others.

After looking at the lemur again, she looks 27 or [-] years old, with an angelic face and a devil's figure, she is a stunner that countless normal men can only dream of, her figure has reached the extreme, compared to Princess Lemur Much more coquettish and sexy.It doesn't look like she has given birth, in Leng Ye's eyes, she is more like the sister of Princess Lemur.No wonder Leng Ye got nosebleeds when he saw the lemur.

What makes Leng Ye even more unbearable is that there are only two coin-sized leaves glued to the towering part of the lemur's back and front, and there is only a thin strip of red cloth tied underneath, which looks like a simple thong generally.

The perfect figure of Empress Lemur and this attire appeared in front of Leng Ye, making Leng Ye feel as if he had fallen into a gentle land, fascinated, and there was a confusing scene in front of him.

What happened next made Leng Ye even more nosebleed.I saw Queen Lemur squeezed both hands in front of her at the same time, and slowly picked off the two leaves, and then, Queen Lemur pulled off the thin red cloth strip underneath, and threw it into the air.In the end, the lemur came two meters in front of Leng Ye, posed in an airstand position, and slowly spread his legs apart... Leng Ye feasted his eyes.

After seeing such an amazing performance by the lemur, Leng Ye reacted.But he didn't take any further action.At this moment, Leng Ye's mind is full of the shadow of the lemur queen, and gradually a hallucinatory scene...

Suddenly, great pain came, and Leng Ye's eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

System prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the S-rank beast lemur, and He Shibi will bring you back to life.

As soon as Leng Ye came back to life, she heard the voice of Princess Lemur: "The queen mother is great! The little beauty tricked and killed Leng Ye, long live the queen mother!"

After looking at the lemur again, holding the double rings in both hands, he was staring at Leng Ye in a daze.

Knowing the trick, Leng Ye quickly pulled out the lazy sword, and with a slap in the face, he circled around the back of the lemur queen and used a "broken sword style", and the lazy sword stabbed straight at the back of the lemur queen. -[-] floated up, Leng Ye broke through the defense of Empress Lemur, but the beast-level monster's blood volume was terrifyingly high, trying to kill her was like going to heaven.As the saying goes, as long as the kung fu deep iron rod is ground into a needle, Leng Ye sees hope when he sees that he can break the defense of the lemur queen, and then uses a broken sword style——

After receiving a sword from Leng Ye's back, the lemur queen was in unbearable pain, but her mind was still clear, she fell to the ground and avoided Leng Ye's second sword.

"What is the mystery and essence of the Dugu Nine Swords? When I use the "Broken Gun Style", "Broken Arrow Style" and "Broken Magic Style", I always walk with the sword. Why do I use the "Broken Sword Style"? How about taking the sword with you? Otherwise, the second blow would not be empty." Leng Ye was full of endless doubts.

After looking at the lemur again, he rolled on the ground, stood up, held a ring in each hand, put on a defensive posture, and said, "Leng Ye! You really know the skill of phoenix rebirth?"

Leng Ye thought: "You have more associations than your husband, but it's a pity that you didn't guess right!" Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, looked around, and his face became gloomy, facing the lemur, he asked: "It's Mo Yiha Wat told you?"

When Leng Ye asked this, it was equivalent to admitting that he had the skill of rebirth of the phoenix.At this moment, the most surprised one was not the Empress Lemur, but the women of Leng Ye.Except for Shuang'er, of course.

The lemur queen suddenly laughed, and said: "Leng Ye, you are so smart, no one in the entire Three Saints Church has dared to lie to me, Lucas. Moyhawa is just a humble servant, and of course it is no exception. "

"Isn't it the Lemur Queen? How come there is another Lucas? Could it be that this is the maiden name of the Lemur Queen?" Leng Ye was puzzled, but he was fooled when he saw the Lemur Queen, and he felt a lot of comfort in his heart .

Leng Ye understands that to deal with this kind of beast-level monster, outsmarting is the best strategy, once reduced to a strong enemy, the only one who suffers is himself.So he also smiled, and said: "Since you have seen through it, I won't hide it anymore. Let me tell you, my phoenix rebirth has reached the highest level—infinite rebirth."

As soon as Leng Ye's words came out, Empress Lemur's expression changed slightly, but she couldn't escape Leng Ye's eyes.Leng Ye knew that the lemur queen believed it at least three points, so he overwhelmed the lemur queen in terms of momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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