Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 544 Making a Row in the Church

Chapter 544 Making a Row in the Church (1) ([-])
As soon as the lazy sword touched the aperture, it emitted a dazzling light, which stimulated the eyes of everyone in the palace. In an instant, the interior of the palace was plunged into a sea of ​​white.

A moment later, Shuang'er opened her eyes first, saw Leng Ye lying on the ground, and exclaimed: "Husband! Husband——" while shouting, she ran towards Leng Ye.The other girls followed in panic when they heard the sound.

Look at Leng Ye again, he fell on the ground in an extremely indecent posture, still holding the lazy sword in his hand, the clothes on his body have become a beggar's outfit, rotten in pieces, but fortunately the underwear is intact.

Leng Ye woke up when she heard the women's cries, looked behind the lemur, and knew that she had already started singing the light of the forbidden curse, and walked over with her sword in hand.

Shuang'er thought that Leng Ye was going to stab the circle of light again, and exclaimed: "Honey, that's the 'Ultimate Defense', don't!"

Leng Ye, under the worried eyes of the girls, bypassed the lemur, and came straight to the side of Princess Lemur, put his sword against her jaw again, and shouted: "Queen Lemur, stop quickly, or I will Kill your daughter." Leng Ye had no choice but to do this, because the gate of the palace was closed, and the scroll to return to the city could not be used, so there was no other way.

Leng Ye still remained motionless after seeing the lemur, and said angrily: "Queen Lemur, I'll give you three voices, if you don't stop, I'll kill your daughter right away..."

As soon as Leng Ye counted to "one", she was interrupted by Princess Lemur.

"It's useless for you to break your throat! My mother can't hear anything in the 'ultimate defense' protective cover." Princess Lemur said.

Ignoring Princess Lemur, Leng Ye continued to shout: "Two—"

"Leng Ye, it's useless even if you kill me. My mother and queen can't hear me at all." Princess Lemur said.

"Can't hear it? That doesn't mean you can't see it either." Thinking Leng Ye, he grabbed Princess Lemur and came to the front of the Lemur Queen, posing as if he wanted to kill Princess Lemur.

"Leng Ye! You are blind! Didn't you see that my mother is closing her eyes? Let me tell you, the caster cannot open their eyes until the light of judgment is over." Princess Lemur said again.

Leng Ye turned her head to Shuang'er, and nodded when she saw her.

Leng Ye was a little disappointed, knowing that it was too late to use Princess Lemur to threaten the lemur.But he was unwilling to be buried here with several of his women, so he put the lazy sword on Princess Lemur's neck again, and said: "I know you must have a way to wake up your mother, tell me quickly, otherwise I will Kill you!"

Princess Lemur snorted, and said with an air of fearlessness, "Then you kill it! Anyway, once the light of judgment from my mother is released, you will all be buried with me."

Leng Ye suddenly thought of Peng'er's way to deal with Princess Lemur, and immediately swiped Lazy Sword in front of Princess Lemur a few times, saying: "If you don't say anything, I will just swipe your face a few times like this. When the time comes You will become an ugly monster, no one will want it... Hehe!"

Princess Lemur was really scared, she hurriedly begged for mercy, and hurriedly said, "Then there is only one way, that is, my royal father can come back to life."

"Want the lemur king to be reborn? Isn't this a big joke?" Leng Ye smiled wryly, and then said to Princess Lemur: "If you don't tell the truth, I'm really going to draw it." He said and threw his sword at Princess Lemur He made a few gestures in disorder in front of his face.

"Don't do it, don't do it. I really didn't lie... I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe me, ask my queen mother..." Princess Lemur frightened.

Leng Ye knew from Princess Lemur's beauty-loving heart and expression that what she said was true, and thought: "It's not difficult for the Lemur King to subdue the lemur, but how can he use the method to subdue the lemur?" Then wake up from the 'Ultimate Defense'?" Leng Ye was puzzled.

Seeing that Leng Ye's sword was still pointed at her face, Princess Lemur said again: "Leng Ye! Young Hero Leng! Brother Leng! Everything I said is true...I really didn't lie to you."

Leng Ye held his last hope and asked: "Do you know how your father woke up your mother?"

Princess Lemur bowed her head and remained silent.

"You know, right? As long as you tell me, I will ask Zimei to help you with beauty. She is a beautician and can make you very beautiful, just like your mother." Leng Ye pointed at Qiuzi Said the beauty mirror in Mei's hand.

As soon as she heard that she could become beautiful, Princess Lemur became interested and immediately asked, "Can you really make me look like my mother?"

Qiu Zimei nodded.

Leng Ye looked at the colorful auspicious clouds above the head of the lemur (special when the light of judgment is at its maximum power) was already rolling, and hurriedly said to Princess Lemur: "Hurry up, or you won't have a chance when your mother finishes casting the curse." gone."

Princess Lemur touched her head, looked at the lemur in the protective cover of "Ultimate Defense", and then dragged Leng Ye to the bed and pulled the red gauze curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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