Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 564 Rescuing Black Slaves

Chapter 564 Rescuing the Black Slaves (1) ([-])
Leng Ye was startled, pulled out his lazy sword, pointed at Qianmianhu, and asked, "You really don't want to live?"

Qianmianhu sneered, and said, "You are more cunning than me. Is there anything I can do if I fall into your hands today? Do it!"

Leng Ye said: "I still say the same thing, as long as you tell me the whereabouts of Tashisi, I promise not to kill you."

Thousand-faced fox smiled and said: "You humans are the most cunning, and I have nothing to do if you go back on your word!"

Leng Ye smiled and said: "Then we can swear in front of Empress Nuwa. You should trust Empress Nuwa, right? The lemur queen pretended to be smart and insulted Empress Nuwa, so she was struck to death immediately by lightning. I miss you Don't you know!"

Thousand-faced fox said: "Okay, you go first."

Leng Ye immediately raised his right hand and said: "I, Leng Ye, made a solemn oath in front of Empress Nuwa, as long as what Qianmianhu said is true, and it promises not to harm my eleven wives, I promise not to kill it, Otherwise, I will be struck to death by lightning immediately, and my death will be worse than that of the lemur queen..." Leng Ye added at the end
After Leng Ye finished speaking, the thousand-faced fox's face changed, obviously expressing dissatisfaction with Leng Ye's condition, but it still raised its right hand and said, "I, the thousand-faced fox, swear a heavy oath in front of Empress Nuwa, As long as Leng Ye let me go first, I will immediately tell Leng Ye the whereabouts of Zhaxisi, and I promise not to hurt Leng Ye's wives, otherwise I will be struck to death by lightning immediately, and my death will be worse than Leng Ye's!"

Leng Ye felt chills all over after hearing Qianmianhu's oath, and said in his heart: "Fucking fox, how dare you curse me to death! I won't let you go easily!" So he said to Qianmianhu: "You can tell me now Is Tashisi's whereabouts?"

But Qianmianhu said: "Let go of me first! Why, are you afraid that I will run away? I also made a heavy oath in front of Empress Nuwa, don't you believe in Empress Nuwa?"

Leng Ye realized that Qianmianhu was playing tricks when he made an oath, but because Qianmianhu was willing to tell Zhaxisi's whereabouts, and Leng Ye wanted to see what this coquettish fox was up to, so he didn't organize.So, Leng Ye said to Shuang Ju: "Let it go!"

Shuangju hurriedly said: "Honey, the fox is the most cunning, what if it runs away."

Leng Ye said again: "I didn't intend to kill it, and besides, she has made a heavy oath, so she can't play any tricks. Little wife, let it go!"

Shuangju pouted her mouth and had no choice but to accept the order. As soon as she chanted the incantation, the silk disappeared from Qianmianhu's body.

As soon as the thousand-faced fox got rid of the shackles, he stepped back three feet, pointed to the path leading to the nine-headed lion, and said, "Leng Ye, listen carefully! Zhaxisi walked along this path."

"Where did she go?" Leng Ye asked.

"Then I don't know! But you can ask someone." Qianmianhu said.

"The Lemur King?" Leng Ye said.

"You're so smart, I'll send you to see the Lemur King right away!" As soon as Qian Mian Hu finished speaking, he stabbed at Leng Ye with a trident in his hand.

Since it was already past midnight, Leng Ye didn't dodge, and received a halberd forcibly, and the pain came. The next moment, Leng Ye heard the system's prompt: The player Leng Ye was killed by the upper-level fairy beast Thousand-faced Fox Kill, and He Shibi will bring you back to life.

Seeing that Leng Ye was not dead, Qianmianhu held the trident tightly in both hands, and made a [-]-degree angle with the ground from upper left to lower right, blocking it in front of his body, and exclaimed: "Phoenix rebirth! You really will be reborn as a phoenix!" !!"

Enduring the great pain, Leng Ye quickly pulled out the lazy sword, and when the thousand-faced fox was still in shock, he made a stray step and came to its back. style", pierced in unbiasedly.Only Qianmianhu uttered a painful scream, and then, the red words -[-] floated out of his body.If it was an ordinary person, even a level [-] monster would most likely fall to the ground and die immediately after receiving such a critical attack.

"Damn! How many defenses do fairy beasts and divine beasts have!" Leng Ye felt very depressed.Obviously, although he was able to break through the defense of the thousand-faced fox, it was not so easy to kill it.

Qianmianhu took Leng Ye's sword, turned around quickly, and at the same time, the trident in his hand also came towards Leng Yecha.

Without the slightest hesitation, Leng Ye quickly used the "Broken Spear Style".I saw that the lazy sword in Leng Ye's hand did not show a gorgeous move, but directly stabbed at the three forks of the trident.Because Leng Ye didn't really understand the mystery and essence of Dugu Nine Swords, he "followed the sword with his hand" when he used this move.However, the straight thrust of the lazy sword, this head-to-head confrontation with the trident was really beyond Leng Ye's surprise.

What surprised Leng Ye was still behind.Just after the collision between the lazy sword and the trident, the blade of the lazy sword went deep into the trident, and under the surprised eyes of Leng Ye and Qianmianhu, it split the trident from the middle.

In a hurry, the thousand-faced fox let go of the trident.The moment it let go of the trident, the lazy sword quickly changed direction and stabbed at the waist of the thousand-faced fox.

(End of this chapter)

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