Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 570 Rescue the Black Slave

Chapter 570 Rescuing the Black Slaves (2) ([-])
"It's just them, they are as thin as a rope, and I don't even feel them together. When I sell the black slaves outside and buy gifts for the Elephant King, it will be my greatest happiness to get its favor!" Qian Mianhu said.

"You're fucking shameless! I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen such shameless people." Leng Ye despised Qianmianhu again in his heart, and said, "I'm afraid the elephant king will not like you with your size! "

"You nonsense! I heard that the Elephant King likes to eat black bananas the most. It's just that only Barbara can grow this kind of bananas. Once I sell these black slaves, I will have enough money from Barbara. I bought enough black bananas for the Elephant King. My mother said that if you want to be favored by a 'man', you must fill the 'man''s stomach. Then the Elephant King will be mine alone. Already..." Qianmianhu said to himself.

"I've seen cheap ones, but I've never seen such cheap ones! Damn, it's really disgusting! I think with your body, you may not be able to win the favor of the elephant king with black bananas. You should use those black bananas yourself, at least Much better than those [-] lemurs." Leng Ye despised Qianmianhu even more in his heart.

Afterwards, Leng Ye brought up several topics about the Elephant King. Qianmianhu, a narcissistic and eloquent answerer, almost regarded Leng Ye as a CCTV reporter, and it really thought it was a press conference. the main character.

At the same time, Leng Ye also thought of a way to deal with Qianmianhu.

"What are you looking at me for, I'm not the elephant king! I'm not interested in you either!" Leng Ye said to Qianmianhu, and then he hugged Shuang'er into his arms.

"Cut~~ I'll fall in love with you..." Qianmianhu talked endlessly about Leng Ye's faults, and then turned to praise the Elephant King again.

"Qianmianhu, we have no grievances in the past, and we have no enmity in the near future. Let's just say goodbye today, and there will be no future!" Leng Ye said to Qianmianhu, and brought a few girls to the door while speaking.

Leng Ye pushed hard, but he couldn't open the door, and took a few "shua, shua, shua" swords with his lazy sword, but it still didn't work.Then he heard Qianmianhu's loud laughter: "Hahahaha! Leng Ye, this room is cursed, unless you kill me, it is absolutely impossible to get out!"

"Honey, it doesn't dare to do anything to us anyway, let us sisters kill it!" Shuang'er said immediately.

Leng Ye nodded and said with a smile: "Okay! Then let it taste the power of your 'Eleven Women's Rescue Husband'!"

As soon as Leng Ye finished speaking, she saw Shuang'er and others rushing up together, surrounded the thousand-faced fox, and then pressed it under her body.

"Wife, don't get your clothes dirty!" Leng Ye reminded.

When the girls grabbed Qianmianhu's limbs and head, Leng Ye came to Qianmianhu with a smile and said, "You have sworn a heavy oath in front of Empress Nuwa, if you dare If you hurt a hair of them, you will be killed by lightning immediately!"

"Well, you despicable Leng Ye, what's the point of relying on your wife!" Qian Mianhu said.

(End of this chapter)

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