Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 584 Rescuing the Black Slaves

Chapter 584 Rescuing the Black Slaves (2) ([-])
Looking at the girls, they were all happy for Xuemei.

When I was quietly enjoying Xuemei's body fragrance in the cold night, I suddenly heard a helpless cry: "How could this happen! How could this be happening! It's been 200 years, I have been in this room for 200 years, nine I have been to the Yin Cave countless times, but I can’t find the Nine Dragons Bow! Why! Why! Without the Nine Dragons Bow, how can I deal with the four wives of the Elephant King, and how can I not kill the four female elephants? Only then can you win the favor of the Elephant King! Empress Nuwa, why are you treating me so unfairly!"

As soon as the thousand-faced fox's words fell, there was a rumbling sound in the sky, and then, a bolt of lightning came out from nowhere and hit the thousand-faced fox...

Leng Ye let out a long sigh: "Thousand-faced fox is very coquettish, but in a sense she is also an infatuated woman. I promised to forgive it, ah~~~ I didn't expect it!"

Xuemei in Leng Ye's arms raised her head and said, "Honey, it's not your fault, so you'll be sorry!"

As soon as Xuemei finished speaking, a little fox the size of a full moon puppy appeared in front of everyone, bouncing around, very cute.What surprised everyone even more was that the little fox could also transform into a human shape for a while, and a fox for a while.When transformed into a human form, she had dark skin and big eyes, just as cute as a three or four-year-old girl.

"Husband, why didn't that lightning strike the thousand-faced fox into charcoal just now? Was it reincarnated?" Shuang'er asked in puzzlement, obviously she still remembered the scene where the lemur was struck by lightning.

Leng Ye thought to himself: "How could I know such a strange thing, sweat~~ But a husband has to look like a husband, pretending to understand if he doesn't understand! Haha!" Just as he was about to speak, Shuangju exclaimed: "I There is a divine beast! I have a divine beast!"

When everyone heard Shuangju talking nonsense, they turned their eyes to her again.In order to show that she is not insane, Shuangju tells what happened.

It turned out that when Qianmianhu said that Empress Nuwa was unfair, Shuangju realized what kind of result it would have.So she tried to use a capture technique on the thousand-faced fox. Fortunately, the moment the lightning struck, the system unexpectedly indicated that the capture technique was successfully used.In this way, the thousand-faced fox became Shuangju's pet.

"Sister Shuangju, have you named your little fox yet?" Qiu Zimei said, and then summoned her Kaka (Princess Lemur).

"I think it's very coquettish, so I'll call it Hu Meier!" Shuang Ju said after thinking for a while.He came to Leng Ye again and said, "Honey, do you agree?"

Leng Ye usually doesn't participate in such trivial matters, but since Shuang Ju came to ask for his opinion, he had to express something, saying: "That's right! From now on, when we fight divine beasts and fairy beasts, let Hu Mei Go up and make a fuss, relying on its previous life experience, it will definitely be able to turn around the fans of mythical beasts and fairy beasts, then we can take the opportunity to start! What do you think? Little wife!"

"Well! Thank you for thinking it out. But, my husband, what if the beasts and beasts are 'female'?" Shuangju said.

(End of this chapter)

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