Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 595 The mysterious water like blue

Chapter 595 The mysterious water like blue (2)
"No, it's more convenient to go alone."

"It's inconvenient to bring Shuang'er? Isn't it a brothel there?"

The down-and-out young man smiled and said nothing, dragging and dragging Leng Ye to the gate of the Women's Elite Association, and then ran away, leaving Leng Ye alone.

Leng Ye looked up and saw the three characters "Elf City" written on the gate, and walked in swaggeringly.

Before making any progress, Leng Ye was stopped by two female soldiers.The two female warriors didn't seem to be old enough to fight, and they were both pretty young. One held a knife in his hand and the other held a sword.

"Do you want to seek death for trespassing on the elf city? Get out!" shouted the female warrior with a knife.

"Well... I'm here to spend money in Elven City, so you're welcome!"

"Consumption? Is there a girl you like here?"

"Look at what you said, this is not a brothel!"


"Slip of the tongue! Slip of the tongue! I'm here to find Shui Rulan."

"Are you Leng Ye?" the female warrior with a knife asked again.

"What a smart girl, and she is also pretty. She will definitely marry a good man in the future. Would you like me to help you find a match? We have a lot of handsome young men in the Sword Demon Palace!" Leng Ye said with a smile.

"Leader Leng, hurry up! We will be in trouble if our leader sees it!" the sword-wielding female warrior reminded.

"Trouble? I'm here to look for her, I'm in trouble if I can't see her!" Leng Ye sighed.

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

"Scared! Why not? Not to mention the pain, I still have to drop a few levels. I'm over 80 levels now. If I die once, I won't be able to go abroad to see the scenery."

"Leader Leng, I admire your character, you should leave quickly! If our leader sees it, not only you will be in trouble, but we will also be implicated."

"What? Your boss has a grudge against me?"

"Don't you know? That's what happened last time. You made our leader feel ashamed, otherwise she wouldn't have issued a arrest warrant for you in China. You wouldn't tell me that you didn't know, would you?"

Leng Ye was puzzled by Monk Zhanger now, and said, "What arrest warrant in China? I really don't know."

At this time, Leng Ye suddenly heard a woman's voice from behind: "You two have lost this month's bonus, if you commit another crime, you will be expelled from the gang immediately, and the whole district will hunt you down!"

The two female soldiers hurriedly said: "Thank you, lord, thank you, lord!"

Leng Ye turned around and saw a female warrior about 22 or [-] years old, with a long face, fair skin, and big eyes. He felt an indescribably familiar feeling in his heart, a feeling of familiarity and kindness.

"She is Shui Rulan? The leader of the Women's Elite Association. But who is she? Why do I seem to have seen it somewhere?" Leng Ye thought desperately, and the scene of their last meeting gradually appeared before his eyes. But his head suddenly hurt.

The woman was Shui Rulan, and she obviously recognized Leng Ye at a glance, and shouted: "Good Leng Ye! I searched all over China and found no sign of you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door automatically. What a shame! If there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and if there is no way to hell, you break in. Go to hell!”

(End of this chapter)

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