Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 597 The mysterious water like blue

Chapter 597 The mysterious water like blue (1)
Thanks to the help of He Shibi, Leng Ye did not become a dead soul under the knife.However, the pain of being stabbed after his resurrection and his headache made Leng Ye unable to live or die.In a daze, Leng Ye heard a crying voice: "Isn't your Dugu Nine Swords powerful? Even if you don't hide, you can prevent it! Woooooooo—" He knew that the cry was Shui Rulan issued.

"Just now, I regretted it again, Khan~~ Fortunately, this is a game. If it were in reality, I would have reported to the Palace of the King of Hell."

"It doesn't look like she's just pretending. Does she really have no intention of killing me?"

"Could it be that I really did something wrong to her? Impossible..."

Slowly, the pain on Leng Ye's body disappeared, but the headache still existed.Suddenly, he heard a woman's voice: "Guard master! Gang master!" The voice approached from far away, and soon came to Leng Ye and Shui Rulan.

"Damn, if she sees me, she might think that I'm bullying her boss! What should I do? If I run away, I'm going to call myself in." In desperation, Leng Ye fell to the ground by himself.

The sound of Leng Ye falling to the ground startled Shui Rulan. When she saw Leng Ye, she exclaimed: "You are not dead!" Seeing Leng Ye lying on the ground with her eyes closed, she murmured again: "I must be dazzled. , no one can survive the seven deadly swords!"

"Guangzhu, what are you talking about?" the girl who rushed over asked.

"Xiaofei, I...I killed Brother Leng—" Shui Rulan cried.

"Didn't you always want to kill him? Like a flirtatious man like him, killing a thousand or ten thousand is not too much!" said the girl named Xiaofei.

"I... I don't really want to kill him!"

"Then you still issued a warrant for arrest in China?"

"Brother Leng is so powerful, how many people in China can kill him! I just want him to come to me sooner."

"Oh, leader, you still can't forget that Leng... Leader Leng?"

"I gave him my whole heart a long time ago. I'm afraid I'll never forget him in this life. I actually killed him with my own hands, and he won't talk to me anymore, woo woo woo~"

"Master, let's be sad!" Xiao Fei said.

Hearing this, Leng Ye cursed inwardly: "Damn, I'm not dead yet! What a pity!" She secretly glanced at the girl named Xiao Fei, she was pretty pretty, but Leng Ye couldn't think of her It's the Buddha's face and the devil's heart, each mouthful of a "thin lover", so that Leng Yehaosheng is no longer here.

Suddenly, Leng Ye heard Xiaofei's exclamation again: "Hey—Master, who is this man crawling on the ground? Like a dead dog, it affects the image of our elf city!" Then, Leng Ye Feeling as if someone had kicked her ass hard, she said angrily in her heart: "Damn, don't take it lightly!" Taking a sneak peek, it turned out to be that dead girl Xiao Fei.

Then, Leng Ye saw Shui Rulan rubbing his eyes again, then walked over squatting, touched his nose, and exclaimed: "I'm not dreaming, it's really Brother Leng. Xiaofei, hurry up!" Hurry up! Brother Leng is not dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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