Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 711 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 711 Elf Garden II (5)
The Elven Green Mushroom is a level [-] boss. Compared to ordinary level [-] monsters, it is much stronger in every way.The blood volume is about ten times that of ordinary monsters of the same level, and the attack and defense have also improved.Especially the "diving to the top", which actually increased the attack size from [-] times to [-] times that of ordinary monsters (for example: suppose a target's defense is [-], regardless of other things, just look at the basic attack and basic defense , if the "dive to the top" of the elf green mushroom is [-] times the attack, then it can cause [-]*[-]-[-]=[-] damage to the target for each attack; if the "dive to the top" of the elf green mushroom is [-] times the attack, Then it will cause [-]*[-]-[-]=[-] damage to the target every time it attacks. And this gap will become larger and larger as the target's defense increases, especially when the target's defense reaches more than [-], the [-] times The attack can't break the target's defense, but [-] times the attack can still cause [-] damage to the target.), and this is a passive skill that can be used continuously, which makes people frightened.

Although the attack and defense of the elf green mushroom is very high, it is nothing to someone like Leng Ye who has seen "big scenes".The only thing that caught Leng Ye's eyes was the "greening" skill.The one with a certain chance of inflicting several times the damage is called a fatal blow. Almost every fighter has such a skill, which is very common. However, this is the first time he has seen a skill like "greening" that has a chance of increasing defense.This skill should be evolved from "dodge" or "dodge", but greenery is less effective than them.

Leng Ye thinks of the relationship between the two skills "Dodge" and "Greening" in this way: "Dodge" means that there is a certain chance to instantly increase the invincible defense to resist attacks. It increases the effect of "Greening" to the limit. As for the probability, it has not changed.

"The skills of Spirit Snake Swordsmanship and Greening have also appeared. Could it be that there is some positive change in the game?" Leng Ye was muttering in his heart, when he suddenly saw the fairy green mushroom "jumping" towards him, feeling anxious Xia also forgot to dodge, let alone block with the lazy sword, only to see that green "umbrella" the size of a pot cover hit Leng Ye heavily, causing nearly ten thousand damage to it.

"Damn, the [-] times 'dive to the top' is really extraordinary!" Leng Ye sighed.When the elf green mushroom leaped high again, pointed the "umbrella" at Leng Ye, and was about to attack him again, Leng Ye cast a maze step on his feet, and instantly turned to the other side of the "umbrella". The "umbrella handle" of the quasi-elf green mushroom used a "sweeping" move in the broken sword style that he had just comprehended a few hours ago. This sword cut off half of the "umbrella handle" of the elf green mushroom.

Looking at the elf green mushroom again, it jumped into the air, and did not "fall" to the ground, but slowly floated down like a parachute, using the remaining half of the "umbrella handle" to support the ground, but it also stood firmly without any "falling" lame".It's just that the "umbrella handle" was cut off in half by Leng Ye, so it was much "shorter", and it was no more than Leng Ye's waist.

(End of this chapter)

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