Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 732 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 732 Elf Garden II (26)
"Boss, that's wrong! This is not the meat of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake! You lied to me, you lied to me!" Peng'er screamed, pulling Leng Ye's arm to act coquettishly.

"Didn't you promise me to upgrade them to level [-]? Didn't you do it?" Leng Ye said with a smile, the reason why he was so serious was to train Peng'er well, and not let her be naughty anymore.

"Boss, Peng'er originally wanted to bring them to level [-], but...but Peng'er also wanted to level up, so I just shared a little bit of experience with them. Peng'er also wanted to help you, boss! "Peng'er said with a small mouth.

"Help me? That's right, Peng'er does have the ability to help me now, but what does it mean by sharing a little bit of experience? Could it be that they killed a divine beast? Or a super divine beast?" Leng Ye was puzzled , asked: "That's it! Then I don't blame Peng'er, but you have to tell the boss where you took them to upgrade? Who is it?"

"It's over there! There's a little fox over there. If you kill it, another little fox will come out... Until finally, a little fox with nine tails appeared. Its nine tails are so beautiful and powerful. The arrow that came out wounded Peng'er. Later, the little fox went up and wrestled with that little fox... And then, that little fox was killed, and just like that, Peng'er was promoted to Level [-]..." Peng'er pointed to the southwest direction of the Elven Garden, and pointed at the thousand-faced nine-tailed fox that was still dancing on the back of the ice silkworm.

Leng Ye roughly understood what Peng'er meant. One of the little foxes she mentioned should be a monster, and the other should be a thousand-faced nine-tailed fox.As for the wrestling that Peng'er mentioned, Leng Ye guessed that it should be that the thousand-faced nine-tailed fox used another beauty trick to sacrifice himself.

"What kind of little fox can make so many pets and summons rise to level [-] at once? A little fox with nine tails? Could it be?" Leng Ye began to feel uneasy, and asked anxiously: "Is that little fox called Nine Tails?" Spirit fox? Is it still the ultimate experience challenge messenger?"

"Boss, you are so smart that you can guess right!" Peng'er said with a smile.

After hearing what Peng'er said, Leng Ye sat down on the ground and sighed: "Oh my God! Give me all those experiences, even if you don't get to 98, you will have [-]..."

"Brother Leng, what's wrong with you?" Jin Nanyan asked with concern seeing Leng Ye's disappointed look.

"No... nothing!" Leng Ye said.He stood up slowly, thinking: "Maybe this is God's will! God's will cannot be violated. Although I haven't upgraded, I have also bought a few pets and summons cheaper. I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse, and I don't know Gain or loss, but I know that the nine-tailed fox, the ultimate experience challenger, has disappeared from this world."

At this moment, Leng Ye wanted to call again, it was Shuang'er's, and as soon as it was connected, Shuang'er's voice came from there: "Husband, we have arrived at the little fox, but the little fox is gone... "

(End of this chapter)

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