Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 735 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 735 Elf Garden II (29)
"Brother Leng, I was joking with you, don't take it seriously. Anyway, the purpose has been achieved, and now that the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox is dead, there is no Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox's skin, so I don't want the Nine-Tailed Spirit Monkey You're the one who listened to me within a month, so I can change my mind anytime, anywhere, hee hee~~ Even if you break your oath, Empress Nuwa won't blame you." Jin Nanyan said .

"Purpose? What purpose?" Leng Ye was puzzled and asked.In fact, as early as the moment Leng Ye heard that the nine-tailed fox had died, Leng Ye had already realized that Jin Nanyan would say this. He still wants to hear it with his own ears.

"Purpose? What purpose? Did I say it?" Jin Nanyan pretended to be completely ignorant, and she was so vivid that she was worthy of being a top student in the Academy of Art.

Seeing that Jin Nanyan was silent, Leng Ye shifted her gaze to Shuang'er again, and met Shuang'er's eyes, and the two seemed to have a good understanding.Shuang'er pulled Jin Nanyan in front of Leng Ye, and said with a smile: "Sister Yan'er, what are you embarrassed about, my husband is not an outsider."

"Sister Shuang'er, what are you talking about! You know how to bully Yan'er!" Jin Nanyan said angrily, her little face was already flushed.

"Let me tell you for you! Husband, sister Yan'er likes you, and wants to join our sister team, it's that simple." Shuang'er said.

"Oh! Is this your purpose?"

"Our sisters left on purpose to create opportunities for you and Sister Yan'er. It seems that you have...hehe! This is just one of them. Besides, you are notoriously lazy and impatient. We are not going to attend the meeting, we just want to take this opportunity to motivate you, I hope you can practice the skill of Spirit Snake Sword as soon as possible, every level of that skill will double your strength! This is the second, at the same time It is also a task we entrusted to Sister Yan'er, and it can also be said to be a test for her. If she can't even pass this test, she is not worthy to join our sister's team..."

Following Shuang'er's eloquent narration, Leng Ye confirmed his previous guess, and he was not too surprised by this, and was once again moved in his heart by the good intentions of the girls.

"Husband, although we don't care about those broken pieces of equipment, they are divine weapons after all! Do you just have the heart to watch them fly away in vain?" Shuang'er said again.

"How can the meat that reaches the mouth make it fly away!" Leng Ye blurted out, with a smile on his face, obviously already thought of a countermeasure.

At this moment, Leng Ye's pager rang again, and Shui Rulan's voice quickly came from there: "Husband, come here quickly, it seems that we can only delay for 10 minutes for each blame."

(End of this chapter)

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