Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 753 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 753 Elf Garden II (47)
"All of you come here!" Leng Ye called the girls to his side, and said to them: "You divide the work, each of you look at a tail, and watch them swing back and forth in a few seconds. Zi'er , you time it and call it every second."

After the girls spotted a tail, Bauhinia started counting, and kept shouting "[-], [-], [-]..." until she called "[-]", Leng Ye stopped her.

In the end, the women reported their counting results, and through statistics, they came to the following conclusions: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, white, red, white, and black tails, the time between two swings back and forth The intervals are [-] second, [-] seconds, [-] seconds, [-] seconds, [-] seconds, [-] seconds, [-] seconds, [-] seconds and [-] seconds.In the "Zigzag", the positions of these tails are from top to bottom, the first row from left to right are: green, black, orange; the second row are: yellow, blue, white; the third row are respectively: It's red and white, red and blue.

According to the statistical results, Leng Ye drew a matt on the ground, and wrote [-], [-], [-], [-], [-] on each vertex of the matts, first up and then down, first left and then right. , [-], [-], [-], [-] these nine numbers.

"Wow! Husband, you are so artistic! You can think of the "Nine Palaces" from the number of tail swings. I really admire you." Shuang'er waited for Leng Ye to finish writing the nine numbers. exclaimed.

"Sister Shuang'er, what is "Nine Palaces Counting Map"?" Qiu Zimei asked quickly.

Shuang'er smiled and said: "Xu Yue in the Han Dynasty recorded in "Shu Shu Ji Yi": "Nine palaces count, five elements parameters, just like a cycle." Zhenluan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty also commented on this: "Nine palaces, that is, two and four. Shoulders, six or eight for feet, three on the left and seven on the right, nine shoes on one, and five in the center." According to what they said, they got the picture drawn by their husband.

"Sister Shuang'er, this picture is just some numbers, and it's not pretty, so what's the use for it!" Qiu Zimei asked again.

Shuang'er immediately retorted: "Sister Zimei, you don't know something. This is also a kind of art, a kind of digital art, a kind of mathematical art. If you don't believe me, you can do the math. No matter whether it is horizontal or vertical, the difference between the numbers on each straight line and both are [-]."

Qiu Zimei calculated with her fingers for a while, and said happily, "It turns out that they are all [-], but what's the use of that?"

"Since my husband is still in the mood to play this kind of number game in front of the nine-tailed monkey, there must be a reason for him. You should ask my husband!" Shuang'er said.

Leng Ye sighed, and said: "I also discovered this rule by accident. In fact, why such a situation occurs, I think it is mostly related to the name of the magic!"

"Honey, what's your name?" Shuang'er asked.

"The Nine-Tailed Spirit Monkey has a skill called the Nine Demons Trapped Immortal Formation. I think this formation should be related to the "Nine Palaces Calculation Map"." Leng Ye said.

"Nine Devils Trapped Immortal Formation? What a great name! You can tell it's powerful just by hearing the name, and it's probably used by trapped immortal beasts. However, since it is a formation, there should be a way to break it, are you right? Husband ——" Shuang'er said again.

(End of this chapter)

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