Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 755 The Fairy Garden 2

Chapter 755 Elf Garden II (49)
Leng Ye nodded and said: "What Huo'er said is also very reasonable and can be used. However, the nine-tailed monkey is a divine beast, so it is not so easy to deal with. Let us think of more ways to guard against Yu Weiran."

"Husband, I think there should be a 'gate of life' in every formation. As long as we find this 'gate of life', the formation might collapse without attack." Shui Rulan said.

Leng Ye nodded again, and said: "It should be. And this 'Gate of Fate' should be related to the "Nine Palaces Calculation Map". Is it a number?"

"Husband, I think this gate of life should be [-]!" Saturn, who has always seldom talked, spoke.

"[-]? Tu'er, tell me your reason." Leng Ye said.

"Because [-] is in the middle! The nine planets revolve around the sun. If there is no sun, the planets will be gone. So I think I am the 'sun'!" Saturn said again.

"This idea may be right. Does anyone else have any other ideas?" Leng Ye asked again.

"Husband, I think it should be [-]. The essence of this "Nine Palaces" should be the sum of the numbers [-]!" The Ice Witch looked into Leng Ye's eyes and said.

"Very good, Bing'er's idea is very good. [-]? Think about what you can do with [-]!" Leng Ye said to the girls again.

"Husband, do you need fifteen people to break the formation together?" Qiu Zimei blurted out, causing everyone to laugh and making Leng Ye feel chilled again.

"Husband, don't you have a wishful transformation? Use it to conjure a number fifteen, and hit it on the Nine Devils' Immortal Formation, maybe you can break the formation." Ju Xing, who has always been reticent, said.

"I thought that this girl would be nothing if she didn't sing, and she would become a blockbuster! Although the idea is very strange, but you can't think about it with your toes!" Leng Ye thought so in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Mu'er has a lot of ideas, you can Give it a try, and think about it again, is there any other way, we must be foolproof."

"Husband, can we start with the attributes of magic and break it down one by one?" The Ice Witch asked again.

"Magic attribute? Good idea! Bing'er, tell me." Leng Ye said.

"Let me give you an example! Water can overcome fire. Can we use water magic to attack the tail of the fire magic? That is to say, we can find out the magic that matches the magic of each tail according to the attributes of the magic released by each tail." Magic with opposite attributes to hit it. Do you think it is possible?" The ice witch explained one by one.

"Husband, I think Sister Bing'er has a good idea, you can give it a try!" Xuemei also echoed.

"But we only have sister Binger as a magician here, and she can only cast water magic, can it work?"

"Isn't there still my husband's Ice Fire Li Soul Beast?"

"Then there can only be one more magician who can set fire!"


Several women had different opinions, arguing about the idea of ​​the ice witch.

(End of this chapter)

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