Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 763 Elf Garden

Chapter 763 The Fairy Garden (7) ([-])
"Where's the artifact! Where's the artifact?" Shuangju yelled loudly as soon as she heard the prompt from the system, flipping through her space bracelet, fearing that someone would compete with her.

At this moment, Leng Ye was both surprised and delighted, he never thought that he would complete the ultimate equipment challenge so easily, he slapped himself in the face, and realized that he was not dreaming.

Look at the girls again, all of them looked excited and surrounded the redbuds holding the artifacts tightly.

"It turns out to be like this! It turns out to be like this!" The nine-tailed spirit monkey looked at the "Zigzag-shaped" frame for a long time, and suddenly let out such an exclamation, pulling Leng Ye back from the surprise.

"Mr. Monkey, what's wrong?" Leng Ye asked.

"Young Xia Leng, this may be God's will. If I'm not wrong, this should be the wishful transformation you got from the Lemur King!" said the nine-tailed monkey.

Leng Ye didn't expect that the nine-tailed spirit monkey is really not simple, and he can explain the mystery in one sentence, and said with a smile: "Mr. spirit monkey really has good eyesight."

"In the whole world, there are not many people who can break through my Nine Devils Trapped Immortal Formation, and Ruyi Bian is one of them." Nine-tailed Spirit Monkey said again.

"Oh? How do you say this?"

"The Nine Devils Trapped Immortal Formation is a type of five-element formation, and it can be regarded as the most superior formation among the five-element formations. All the most superior formations are divided into male and female. If you want to break the female formation, you must use the male one. Formation, similarly, if you want to break the male formation, you must naturally use the female formation."

"So what?"

"My Nine Devils Trapped Immortal Formation is set up with one of my tails and the eight shadows it transforms. It is extremely difficult to break this formation. First, you need to use the corresponding formation to break it— ——My Nine Demons Trapped Immortal Formation is designed according to the "Nine Palaces Suantu", so you must use the five-element formation designed against the "Nine Palaces Suantu" to solve it. Second, my Nine Demons Trapped Immortal Formation is a female formation , to crack it, you must use a male formation. Third, since I set up this formation with my own tail and its shadow, I must use the male monkey's 'big stick' and the illusioned shadow to set it up. Only the formation can be cracked. These three are indispensable! And Ruyi Bian just happens..."

Hearing this, Leng Ye knew that he had "shit luck" again, he just thought of a way to use the five elements to overcome the five elements, but he never thought that there are "male and female" formations, let alone To break the "tail formation" of the female monkey, it is necessary to use the "big stick formation" of the male monkey, and it is a male monkey from a foreign country.However, such a superior five-element formation was deciphered by Leng Ye in a daze. In a sense, this can be regarded as a kind of "strength" of Leng Ye.

"Then, Mr. Spirit Monkey, you are female... Oh no, you are Mrs. Spirit Monkey?" Leng Ye said with a smile.

"You can call me Miss Spirit Monkey! Although I have been secretly in love with my elder brother for thousands of years, I am still a young girl!" Nine-tailed Spirit Monkey said, with a hint of shyness in his words.

(End of this chapter)

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