Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 771 Elf Garden

Chapter 771 The Fairy Garden (5) ([-])
"I think Sister Lan is the best. When Sister Lan used that move to kill seven times, it was so cool. The husband who beat him had no power to fight back. If you look at it now, the only ones who are beaten are those who run for their lives. It's over." Shuangju said.

"Sister Shuangju, what you said is wrong! Sister Lan has the seven deadly swords, but my husband has the Dugu nine swords! Think about it with your toes, the seven swords are better than the nine swords. The reason why my husband pretends to be The appearance of being defeated is not because she feels sorry for Sister Lan and is afraid of hurting her by mistake!" Huo Huo retorted.

"Sister Lan's Dragon Slaying Knife is a super divine tool. Once she shows her power, she might be able to kill her husband with one knife."

"Don't forget, my husband's sword is also a super divine weapon. Although I don't have a sword spirit yet, my husband still has the spirit snake sword righteousness! With the spirit snake sword righteousness of level [-], my husband can deal [-] times the damage every time he makes a move. I'm afraid no one in the world can bear him."


The girls were chattering and laughing constantly, making Leng Ye very helpless, thinking: "Husband is in great trouble, you are still there and don't ask, I will take care of you when I go back at night!"

Leng Ye carefully dodged the dragon-slaying knife in Shui Rulan's hand, fearing that if she was not careful, she would die. Suddenly, she saw that Shui Rulan's body softened, and then she wanted to fall to the ground.Leng Ye knew that the [-]-second period for the rabies virus had passed, and the reason why Shui Rulan showed this behavior was probably the "sequelae" of excessive use of a knife after being poisoned.

With a few steps, Leng Ye came to Shui Rulan's side, hugged her by the waist before she fell to the ground, and hugged her tightly in her arms.

At this moment, Martian's voice came again from midair: "Look, Sister Lan can't beat her husband anymore, she's going to trick her!"

After another half a minute, seeing that Shui Rulan hadn't woken up, the girls became worried one by one, and descended from mid-air, surrounding Leng Ye and Shui Rulan tightly.

About 5 minutes later, Shui Rulan slowly opened her eyes, her face was haggard, her eyes were dull, and she no longer had the brave and heroic posture of the heroine God of War before. She opened her mouth and said, "Honey, I'm so tired——"

Leng Ye smiled and said, "Lan Lan, you were poisoned by the elf eight-tailed dog just now, you will be fine after a short rest."

"The elf eight-tailed dog is not a mad dog, is it? Why did Lan Lan look like she was bitten by a mad dog just now..." Huo Huo blurted out his mouth quickly.

Leng Ye didn't want to say this at first, but he also knew that he would face the Nine-tailed Spirit Dog next, so he didn't stop Martian.

"Honey, what's going on?" Shuang'er asked.

Leng Ye looked at Shui Rulan, and also stared at herself. In desperation, Leng Ye told about the rabies virus, and repeatedly told them not to come down later.

Looking at the girls again, they were all blushing with shame, obviously regretting the previous "laughing and laughing", and Shui Rulan was full of self-blame...

"Husband, there is only one minute until the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog spawns!" Bauhinia burst out the deadline.

After all the girls flew into the air, Leng Ye considered the countermeasures.

(End of this chapter)

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