Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 776 Elf Garden

Chapter 776 The Fairy Garden (10) ([-])
"Haha! That's right, if it wasn't because I was trapped here by Empress Nuwa, these two sluts would have disappeared from this world long ago! Young Xia Leng, don't worry, I will only deal with these two 'stupid women' I will teach you three tricks and you will be able to deal with it easily."

"Three moves?" Leng Ye didn't expect the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog to be so generous, and said joyfully, "Miss Spirit Dog's three moves will definitely beat the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox and the Nine-Tailed Spirit Monkey to death!"

"However, before I teach you these three tricks, I want you to swear in front of Empress Nuwa that you will help me kill those two sluts within three days..."

Leng Ye was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly said: "That's natural!" So he raised his right hand pretendingly, and said, "I, Leng Ye, swear in front of Empress Nuwa that if the Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox and Nine-Tails Spirit Fox three days later The spirit monkey is still living in this world, and told me to strike the sky with lightning, and die a terrible death..."

In order to avoid any contingencies, Leng Ye cleverly changed the oath that the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog wanted him to swear, and looked at the Nine-Tailed Spirit Dog again, with a smile flashing in his eyes, looking satisfied.

I saw nine golden rays of light shot out from the nine tails of the nine-tailed spirit dog at the same time, shooting directly at Leng Ye's body.In the blink of an eye, Leng Ye's whole body was bathed in golden light, similar to that of the Nine-Tailed Spirit Snake.Leng Ye knew that this was the Nine-tailed Spirit Dog teaching him skills.

With the disappearance of the golden light, Leng Ye also heard the system's prompt: Congratulations to the player Leng Ye for learning Chaos Sword Art, Sword Bullet, and Fierce Blood Slash.

Hearing the names of these three skills, Leng Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and said happily, "Fortunately, it's not some kind of vicious dog rushing at food or jumping over the wall in a hurry, otherwise I would really be useless."

With joy, Leng Ye opened up his attributes, and then saw these three new skills.

Chaos Sword Justice: primary passive skill, when using a sword for physical attack, there is a [-] (percent) chance of poisoning the target, after the target is poisoned, it will attack all players and monsters within [-] seconds regardless of friend or foe etc.

Sword Bullet: Elementary swordsmanship magic. Use the sword to send out a sword thunder to attack the enemy. The ball can explode when it hits the enemy. The power is related to the level of the user and the level of the sword bullet.Skill cooling time is [-] minute.

Fierce Blood Slash: primary level, instantly sacrifice [-] (percentage) of the current blood volume, so as to increase the attack, defense, and speed by [-] times within [-] second to attack the enemy.Skill cooling time is [-] hours.

After seeing these three skills, Leng Ye couldn't hide the joy in his heart anymore. He held the lazy sword tightly, swung it forward, and used a sword bomb, and then saw [-] things that looked like grenades coming from the lazy The sword flew out almost simultaneously.Leng Ye knew that this was probably Jianlei.Seeing that eight sword thunders fell to the ground almost at the same time, they exploded, sending dust flying.

"Husband is great!"

"Husband, you are so perverted!"

"Honey, you are not human!"

"Husband I love you!"


Aside from being surprised, the girls still didn't forget to applaud Leng Ye, one by one in mid-air, dancing and starting to play...

(End of this chapter)

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