Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 784 Wishing Stone

Chapter 784 Wishing Stone (1) ([-])
In the Sword Demon Building, in Leng Ye's bedroom, a good show of one dragon and many phoenixes was staged.The male protagonist Leng Ye, through his incomparably brave and crazy performance, unexpectedly conquered ten beautiful women in a row. After he and Qiu Zimei went to the bliss together, the battle finally came to an end with Leng Ye's complete victory.

The ten women fell asleep one after another, but Leng Ye jumped out of the bed as if his spirit was still there.

"Husband, I'm sorry for causing sister Zi'er to suffer, I...I was impulsive, I'm sorry..." said Shuang'er, who had been watching the battle in front of the bed for several hours, and kept apologizing to Leng Ye for her reckless behavior.

"Silly Shuang'er, why would my husband blame you! Now it's your turn!" Leng Ye said with a laugh.

Shuang'er blushed and said angrily, "I don't want the task until it's finished! Husband, take a look at what this is?"

Leng Ye saw that Shuang'er was holding a cucumber in his hand, took a look, was surprised at first, then beamed with joy.

Millennium Cucumber: special item, beauty and skin care product, has the effect of nourishing the skin, eating one can make you ten years younger.After consuming it, female players increase all attributes by [-] (thousand mark), and immediately add a primary-level skill; pets drink it, increase all attributes by [-] (thousand mark), and randomly increase a skill; it is used to temper weapons and increase weapon attack Force [-] (percent sign), and randomly add a weapon skill.

That's right, this cucumber is exactly the thousand-year-old cucumber that is necessary for beauty tasks.

"Could it be that this is the wishing stone...?" Leng Ye asked.

"That's right! My husband! It's because I saw this that I rushed in so excitedly..." Shuang'er explained to Leng Ye the reason for rushing in!
"It seems that probability is also a deceptive thing. You have to believe it, and you can't believe it all!" Leng Ye laughed, "There are eight more outside. I don't know if Lan Lan has made all her wishes successfully. If all of them succeed , there are all kinds of thousand-year-old ice and thousand-year-old tomatoes..."

"Yes! Husband, go out and have a look!" Shuang'er urged, but she didn't follow.

At this moment, Leng Ye couldn't wait anymore, rushed out the door, and then came to the living room outside, and saw a red tomato on the coffee table at a glance.

As soon as he took a step, Leng Ye came to the tea table, picked up the tomato, and saw the attributes of the tomato appeared before his eyes again.

Millennium Tomatoes: special items, beauty and skin care products, with the effect of nourishing the skin, eating one can make you ten years younger.After consuming it, female players increase all attributes by [-] (thousand mark), and immediately add a primary-level skill; pets drink it, increase all attributes by [-] (thousand mark), and randomly increase a skill; it is used to temper weapons and increase weapon attack Force [-] (percent sign), and randomly add a weapon skill.

Leng Ye couldn't help but exclaimed, "Tomatoes are really millennium tomatoes!"

As soon as Leng Ye's words fell, he heard a piercing "long beep". He was startled, and the thousand-year-old tomato came out of his hand and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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