Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 811 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 811 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (25)
"My husband seems to be fine!" Qiu Zimei exclaimed.

"Stop the Big Dipper, you have already lost!" Shuang'er hurriedly said.

The Big Dippers kept their word, and stopped after each slapped, put away the cold palms, and stopped the Big Dipper formation.Instead, "Haha Leopard, stop!" Shuang'er said angrily!

"Husband, Haha Leopard is dishonest, hit it!" Shui Rulan yelled, holding the Dragon Slaying Saber and slashing at Ha Ha Leopard.

In an instant, Shui Rulan made a fatal seven knives, and slashed at Haha Leopard's two front paws that were tightly grasping Leng Ye's shoulders. After seven knives, it also knocked out Haha Leopard II's 10,000+ blood , but failed to cause fatal damage to it.

Haha Leopard was obviously irritated by Shui Rulan, let go of Leng Ye, and turned to attack Shui Rulan.Haha Leopard went down with two paws, Shui Rulan's eyes darkened and he lost his intuition.

Fortunately, He Shibi was with her, so Shui Rulan didn't die. However, after she was resurrected, she was hit by Haha Leopard's claws again, and fell to the ground again and died.

Then, He Shibi brought her back to life again.Shui Rulan wanted to run, but she was not as fast as Haha Leopard, so she had to watch helplessly as Haha Leopard's paws landed on her body again.

With two claws down, Shui Rulan felt the pain in her shoulders unbearably, and her hands that were holding the Dragon Slaying Saber fell down, but Shui Rulan found that she was not dead!She clearly saw a big "MISS" floating out of her body, and she knew that it was the full dodge skill of the ice and fire suit that played a role.

"Ice and fire suit? Absolute defense!!" This thought flashed in Shui Rulan's mind, she was overjoyed, and instantly activated the absolute defense skill on the super artifact suit.

As soon as this skill is released, Shui Rulan's whole body is immediately enveloped in golden light, so airtight that even a fly cannot fly in.As soon as the haha ​​leopard's paws landed on the golden mask, it immediately made a loud noise, and then it let out a mournful roar. Then, its two sharp claws were broken by the golden mask, losing their due power .

In a rage, Haha Leopard bit Shui Rulan's throat with its teeth, but it was still ineffective. Instead of causing any harm to Shui Rulan, its two sharp leopard teeth were broken.

The pain of broken claws and teeth made Haha Leopard roll on the ground in pain, and there was no sign of any high-ranking beast.

Not long after, Leng Ye recovered from the pain, and his sanity gradually became clear. Seeing Shui Rulan and Haha Leopard rolling on the ground, he smiled.

"Honey, are you okay!"

"Honey, it was too dangerous just now. If it wasn't for Sister Lan, I'm afraid you would have died a long time ago!"

"Husband, this haha ​​leopard is really abominable. It's so unbelievable. I'm going to kill it."


Leng Ye hugged Shui Rulan in his arms, kissed her lightly, and said, "Lan Lan, my good wife, thank you for your hard work." Looking again, Shui Rulan's face immediately turned red, like Like an inexperienced little girl, she buried her head deeply in Leng Ye's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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