Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 813 Trip to the Arctic Ocean

Chapter 813 Trip to the Arctic Ocean (27)
"Mr. Yin Xing, this is the only bowl you can drink directly. Originally, the water in the entire Arctic Ocean was drinkable. Although it is not as effective as this bowl, it can also improve combat effectiveness. It's just that the water outside is polluted and cannot be used. Already." Humph Leopard said.

"Do you know why it is polluted? Is there any way to get rid of it?" Leng Ye asked with a sigh.

"Mr. Xingxing, it has been like this ever since the human troops came here 50 years ago. As for how to get rid of it, the [-] monsters in our two caves don't know, otherwise... Otherwise, the North Pole Cave would have been swallowed up by the Big Dipper Cave long ago." Humph Leopard said.

"Where are these human troops now? Do you know?" Leng Ye asked again.

"Mr. Xingxing, these human troops are in the extremely cold region of the arctic. Unless we have the cold resistance ability of the super god beast ice phoenix, otherwise, we will be frozen as soon as we touch the edge there." Humph Leopard said again.

"Oh! My Xingjun is going to do big things now, would you two 'men and horses' be willing to go?" Leng Ye asked.

"Do you know where Xingjun wants us to go? If it is within the range of the Arctic Ocean, we will go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate!" Humph Leopard said.

"Leave the Arctic Ocean!" Leng Ye said.

Humph Leopard's complexion changed, and he replied: "Mr. Xingxing, we have sworn to follow you forever. However, we have been cursed. As soon as we leave the Arctic Ocean region, our souls will be scattered, and we will never be reborn forever."

When Leng Ye heard the words, yesterday's excitement immediately disappeared without a trace, and he asked tentatively: "Is there no way around it?"

"Mr. Xingxing, it's actually very simple. As long as your star rating reaches level [-], we can accompany you at any time." Heng He Bao said.

Leng Ye originally wanted to ask how to raise the level of Xingjun, but considering that Hum Hem Leopard and the others might not know about it, and secondly, he had to save enough face under his subordinates, and furthermore, he had to raise the level of Xingjun to [-]. It must not be an easy task to level up, so Leng Ye had to temporarily give up the plan to take them out.

"You guys take a good look at these two caves here, I'm going to do something big!" Leng Ye explained to He Hengbao and the others, and then took the girls out of the Arctic Cave.

"Husband, where are we going now? Do you want to go to the extreme arctic region that Hem Hem Leopard mentioned? Little Binghuo is already level [-], so he should be able to take us there." Shuang'er asked.

Leng Ye shook his head and said, "Don't worry, even high-ranking beasts can't go there, and we're just looking for our own death if we go there. We still have to complete the old lady's beauty task as a matter of urgency."

"Husband!!! Fairy spring water and arctic ocean water are things that can greatly enhance your strength. You can't meet them but you can't ask for them. You just have the heart to give them to a seventy-year-old NPC old lady in a foreign country for nothing?" Shuang'er was unwilling, Said.

"Sister Shuang'er, you should think about it from the husband's point of view, he was hit by the old lady's soul-separating curse." Xuemei said.

(End of this chapter)

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