Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 831 Cold Night VS Kuanglong

Chapter 831 Cold Night VS Kuanglong (1)
"Honey, you came so fast! Sister Peng'er is the best!" Shuang'er laughed, and with the help of Leng Ye, she also climbed onto the back of the golden-winged roc.

The next moment, the two of them appeared in the elf garden together.

"Sister Peng'er, fly straight ahead and turn left at the intersection..." Shuang'er said to the golden-winged roc, and quickly explained the confrontation between the golden knife and the mad dragon.

"Shuang'er, isn't the place we come in random every time? How do you know it so clearly?" Leng Ye expressed doubts about Shuang'er's performance.

"Husband, since you, a great hero, completed the tasks of the four major challenges, the Elf Garden has completely become a public map, and this is the only way to go after you come in. Now, the Elf Garden has become a treasured place for leveling in the hearts of players. There are [-]-level elf rabbits on the outside, and the inside is a place where gods and beasts gather. Therefore, this place not only has a beautiful environment, but also is suitable for people of various professions and levels to practice. Now, people are sending the elf garden is a tryst The Holy Land, the heaven for leveling." Shuang'er explained.

"What a holy place for trysts, I must come here often in the future!" Leng Ye secretly said happily.

The wind whizzed by my ears, and in the blink of an eye, the golden-winged roc came to the sky above a three-way intersection.At this moment, the vicinity of the three-way intersection was full of people, and two majestic warriors were fighting fiercely in the middle of the crowd. One of them was holding a green sword, and the other was holding a red sword.

The green treasured sword is the divine weapon Yusheng Dao, and the red precious sword is the divine weapon Chiye Dao.

"Honey, it's here!" Shuang'er pointed to the bottom and said.

Leng Ye took a look in the air and recognized that the one holding the Yum Knife was the Golden Knife, and immediately ordered Peng'er to fly down.

Peng'er's landing point happened to be with the gang members of the Sword Demon God's Palace. As soon as they saw Leng Ye, they immediately made way for Leng Ye to walk forward.

"Husband, in terms of personal strength, Marshal Jin and Kuanglong are on par, but Kuanglong's SS-level divine beast, the Nine-Eared Dog, is too powerful. Marshal Jin's level [-] fairy beast, Wind Wolf, is no match for it at all." Shui Rulan said as soon as she saw Leng Ye.

Leng Ye took a look at the situation on the battlefield: Jin Dao and Kuanglong are coming and going, and the fight cannot be broken, but they are evenly matched, and it is difficult for anyone to take advantage of the other.The two pets next to them, one wolf and one dog, showed a one-sided situation.As soon as the Divine Appreciation Technique came out, Leng Ye saw that the wind wolf's blood was less than one-tenth, and he would soon be defeated.

"Once the wind wolf dies, Brother Jin will win sooner or later!" Leng Ye sighed secretly, and asked, "Lan Lan, did they agree to a one-on-one fair fight?"

"Honey, yes!"

"Why did this happen?"

"Marshal Jin led people to kill the guards in front of the Fairy Spring, and revealed the key to the passage to the Fairy Spring. The people who ruled the world were jealous and tried to snatch the key, so they fought like this. Later, the people who ruled the world said Insulting our gang, insulting you, the gang leader, calling your husband..."

(End of this chapter)

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