Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 837 Cold Night VS Kuanglong

Chapter 837 Cold Night VS Kuanglong (7)
"Haha! Just kidding, although I, Leng Ye, don't have much of an appetite, I'm afraid it's not easy for your Crazy Dragon Sect Leader to do what I want!"

"Since Shengyu and He Shengliang, we don't want to speculate, so we have to use force to see who is better!" Kuang Long said, with both hands slamming down, he pressed the knife down by more than an inch.

"Crazy Dragon Sect Master, if you have figured it out anytime, you can come to me. As long as it is beneficial to killing devils, it doesn't matter if I listen to you in the cold night!"

"Haha! There won't be that day! However, I really need Brother Leng's help with a small matter. I don't know if Leng Yegna can help?" Kuanglong said.

"But it doesn't matter!" Leng Ye said.

"I hope Brother Leng can destroy that 'recording'." Kuang Long said.

"Video? What video?" Leng Ye asked puzzled.

"What does Brother Leng mean by saying this? Could it be that the younger brother must be shot?" Kuang Long's face at this moment has made him very ugly.

"Crazy Dragon Sect Leader, Leng Ye really doesn't know. However, since you said it, I will check the matter. If it really affects the reputation of the Crazy Sect Leader, I am willing to help you destroy the 'recording'!" Leng Ye said.

"Brother Leng, thank you very much. It would be great if our positions were changed, so that we could really become friends! I don't think it's better than this. Brother Leng, you just care about having fun. When I conquer the 'world', you and I will share equally. I don't know what Brother Leng wants." Kuang Long said again.

"Haha! Thank you Kuanglong Sect Leader. However, Crazy Dragon Sect Leader seems to have forgotten that I just told you that I have no interest in 'conquering the world' or 'ruling the world'. , I am used to being carefree and free, and I don't want to control others, nor do I want to be controlled by others. Therefore, I, Leng Ye, have no choice but to accept the wishes of the leader of the Crazy Dragon Sect." Leng Ye said.

"Okay! Since this is the case, there is nothing to say. I just hope that I can really compete with Brother Leng, but I have a condition, and I hope Brother Leng must agree." Kuanglong said.

"Speak!" Leng Ye said calmly.

"First, I hope Brother Leng will not forget what I just entrusted. Second, if any of us loses, we will be automatically downgraded by ten levels." Kuanglong said, and when he said the last sentence, his eyes flashed A hint of cunning.

"The leader of the Crazy Dragon Sect can count very well! It's not Leng Ye who is boasting, your level is definitely not higher than mine. If you drop ten levels, don't you want to take advantage of it?"

"For a 'swordsman', the knife is the lifeblood of a person. If I lose, this Chiye knife will be yours, Brother Leng."

"Haha! I use a sword, so why use a sword. You and I both understand that this tenth level is very important to you and me. Since the Crazy Dragon Gang mainly bets big, I don't think this bet is enough. It's better to bet more. Bigger!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Okay! If I lose, the entire world will belong to you!" Kuanglong blurted out. This is not only his recognition of his own strength, but also what he has been looking forward to for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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