Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 843 Cold Night VS Kuanglong

Chapter 843 Cold Night VS Kuanglong (13)
"[-] times, [-] times, [-] times, [-] times, [-] times, [-] times... [-]... [-]*[-] = [-] million... Oh, my god! One-eyed...Crazy boss, you seven With the knife down, you can instantly kill a boss with [-] million blood, it's amazing, it's amazing!" Shuang'er said.

Hearing Shuang'er's words, Leng Ye shook his head and sighed.

"Honey, what do you mean? Am I wrong?" Shuang'er asked.

"My dear Shuang'er, a high-achieving student in the university, how could she be wrong! It's just a little short-sighted." Leng Ye laughed.

"Why am I short-sighted, you should explain it to me clearly! Otherwise... otherwise you won't be allowed to eat." Shuang'er said hastily.

After hearing Shuang'er's words, everyone burst into laughter.At some point, the gang members of the Sword Demon God Palace and the gang members of Dominating the World all dispersed, leaving only a few standing "sentry" tens of meters away, in case anyone came in Disturb the "talks" between the two gang leaders.

"Sister-in-law is really funny, let's listen to Brother Leng's advice!" Kuang Long laughed.

"Ahem!" Leng Ye cleared his throat and said, "As far as I know, the blood of fairy beasts generally ranges from [-] million to [-] million, while the blood of divine beasts generally ranges from [-] million to [-] million. We will Taking a fairy beast with [-] million blood and a divine beast with [-] million blood as an example, once the Dragon Brothers take out the seven-step soul-chasing knife, after the first six knives, the blood of the fairy beast and the divine beast are only [-] and [-] respectively. [-] million. No matter how strong the attacks and defenses of the immortal beasts and divine beasts are, they will definitely be difficult to survive in front of the "Treasure Fighting Team". In a sense, the subtlety of the Seven-Step Soul Chaser Knife is still in the first six blades. As for the seventh blade, it is a magic weapon for fighting enemies with low health. Seven blades can instantly kill any monster with less than [-] million HP .” Leng Ye expressed his own thoughts.

"Exquisite! Exquisite! Admire! Admire!" Hearing this, Kuanglong clapped his hands and praised, "I didn't expect Brother Leng to have such a deep understanding of proportional attacks, and... he even explained the secret of my upgrading and fighting treasures in one sentence. Really! Let the younger brother admire the five-body cast."

"If there are also people in our Sword Demon Palace who know this seven-step soul-chasing knife, then the number of treasure-fighting teams can be reduced by ten times. To deal with immortal beasts, only [-] people are enough!" Jin Dao sighed.

"Marshal Jin!" Kuang Long looked around and said, "If you don't dislike it, please forgive me for calling you Brother Jin."

Jin Dao looked at Leng Ye, understood, nodded, and said with a smile: "I am really honored to be the big brother who dominates the world."

"Brother Jin, just now I made a promise with Brother Leng to go first. I lost, and in the future I will be subordinate to the Sword Demon Empire if I dominate the world. If Brother Jin doesn't mind, I can naturally call my younger brother when we hit treasure in the future, and we will split the bill. ——I’m three and you are seven.” Kuanglong said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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