Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 866 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 866 The Path of the Elves (8)
A group of people walked on the cecum path, quickly passed through the flowers and grass, and came to the boundary of the five-pronged tree.

Suddenly, another puff of white smoke rose from the ground in front of their eyes.After the white smoke passed, an old man in green robe appeared in front of everyone.

I saw this green-robed old man holding a whisk in his hand, with a long white beard, bright eyes, and a hale and hearty spirit, giving people a feeling of immortality.

Leng Ye went down with a magic appraising technique, and saw the attributes of the old man.

Messenger of the Law God: Equal rank? ?grade? ?life? ?attack? ?defense? ?speed? ?Skill? ?

"This... this..." Leng Ye showed a scene, his mouth opened wide.

"Haha!" The green-robed old man sneered, stroked his long white beard, and said, "Greedy human beings, you are not worthy of bathing in the spring water of elves, where did you come from, and where do you go!"

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he waved the whisk in his hand, and a puff of white smoke immediately enveloped Leng Ye and the others.

"Messenger of the God of Law? Why can't I see the attribute? Existence beyond the super beast? A messenger is so powerful, what kind of strength can the God of Law have?" Leng Ye was thinking wildly, full of doubts.

The white smoke gradually disappeared, and Leng Ye saw the old man in green robe again, and said with a dark smile, "I thought you had some extraordinary abilities, but it turns out that's all there is to it, and I still can't stay here well."

However, when Leng Ye looked around for a while, his smile stopped abruptly.At this moment, only he and Redbud were left on the cecum path.

Explanation: Brother Kong's book friends, hello!I am Kong Ge’s friend in real life. I helped him pass on the chapters on February [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th. They were the manuscripts he rushed out a few days ago.Kong Ge fell ill on the [-]th, but he still insisted on writing for a day, and was hospitalized in the afternoon of the [-]th. The doctor asked him to stay in the hospital for observation for [-] to [-] days.Before Kong Ge was discharged from the hospital, I still passed on his manuscripts for him. Because the manuscripts at hand were limited, I passed on two chapters a day.Brother Kong told me that this book cannot be updated unless it is a last resort. He also hopes that he will get better as soon as possible, write more and post more every day, and hope that book friends and friends will support Brother Kong more.

"Zi'er, what about your Sister Shuang'er and the others?" Leng Ye felt stupid as soon as he asked these words. "Everyone is in the 'darkness' of white smoke, how could she not know!"

Bauhinia shook her head lightly, staring at Leng Ye without blinking, she was terrified of what happened just now, her eyes were full of fear.

"Could it be that he was really kicked out by the envoy of the God of Law? Anyway, there are Big Brother and Kuanglong, so it should be fine." Leng Ye thought in his heart, comforting himself, but he was still worried about Shuang'er and the others.

At this time, the words of the green-robed old man reached Leng Ye's ears again: "Hahahaha! I never thought that there are still two little devils in this world who are not greedy! My lord, if you give me a task, you must finished."

"Old man—Mr. Messenger, did you send my friends away? Where did they go?" Leng Ye asked.

(End of this chapter)

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