Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 872 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 872 The Path of the Elves (14)
"Sister, I beg you to leave with me now! Don't you know that once you step on the road of elves, you will never die and have no return!" the purple elf fairy said again.

"I know! Doesn't it mean that as long as you kill the monster guarding the Fairy Spring, you can leave after getting the water from the Fairy Spring?"

"Sister, it's guarded by big monsters and extremely ferocious. Even if we reach level [-], we may not be his opponent!"

"No matter what, I want to stay with my husband."

"Are you talking about him? His strength is good, but it's hard to say whether he can pass my level."

"Sister, don't underestimate my husband, he is amazing!"

"Sister, I don't want to tell you this right now. Do you know? If you follow me now, I promise you won't be downgraded. If you go any further, you will definitely die. At that time, you will be downgraded by three levels. "

"I do not care!"

"elder sister!"

Redbud didn't care, but Leng Ye could hear that there was something in the words of Fairy Purple Fairy.He pulled out his lazy sword, pointed at Fairy Purple Elf and said, "Fairy, since you don't believe in my strength, we can compete with each other! Whoever loses will agree to one condition!"

"Sister, you stand on one side now, and I will compete with my brother-in-law!" Seeing that Bauhinia was a little displeased, he said again: "Sister, my competition with brother-in-law will not hurt his life."

Only then did Bauhinia retreat to the side, watching the battle between the two.

"Purple Elf Fairy, shoot! As a man, I will let you do three tricks first." Leng Ye changed his usual style and said very gracefully.

"Did my husband take the wrong medicine today?" Bauhinia was puzzled by Leng Ye's actions, and thought to herself: "The simplest and most direct and effective way for a melee archer to attack a long-range archer is to get close. , as long as you get close to the archer, the outcome will be decided immediately. Husband, husband, there is a time for lust, and this is not the time for you to show your masculinity. In case you lose, you have to promise Fairy Purple Elf a condition, in case... ...if she were to marry marry monsters, Khan! You disappoint me."

The purple elf fairy didn't say much, she bent the purple elf bow in her hand, leaned back, and when the bowstring was tense, the nine purple purple elf arrows in her hand shot at Leng Ye in a fan shape at a fast speed. Come on, the arrows were shot without fail, all hit Leng Ye's body.

As soon as the purple elf's arrow shot into Leng Ye's body, it disappeared immediately, leaving only nine holes dripping blood.

Leng Ye intuited that from head to toe, his body was covered with cuts and bruises, as painful as ants piercing his heart, which made Leng Ye unable to survive or die.

"It's too inhumane, so we can't reduce the pain!" Leng Ye endured the pain, and always insisted on a belief in his heart: "Everything is for Zi'er."

"Brother-in-law, it's done!" The purple elf fairy shouted, and then, nine off-string arrows shot at Leng Ye again, just like the replica just now, even the position of the arrows was exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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