Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 877 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 877 The Path of the Elves (19)
While using the magic-breaking technique, Leng Ye observed Xiaojiali's expression. At the moment when the magic barrier was formed, he saw Xiaojiali's eyes brighten up, and he looked at this side intently, and gradually appeared on his face. A smile.Obviously, Pepper was deeply attracted by Leng Ye's "performance".

Leng Ye stopped suddenly, took a few steps forward, and got closer to Xiaojiao, saying: "Now you should believe that I am Leng Ye, right?"

"Cut~~ Don't think that you know how to play monkey tricks so you think Leng Ye is flashy. Leng Ye doesn't know this kind of flamboyance. His skills are all real kung fu..." The girl said it vividly, as if she had seen it with her own eyes. In general, Leng Ye suddenly loses his temper.

"Then have you seen Leng Ye?" Leng Ye asked.

"Of course!" Pepper blurted out.

"There's no reason why you can't recognize me after you've seen me!" Leng Ye said to himself, and subconsciously touched that handsome face to make sure that it wasn't deformed, and Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

"Don't you know this lazy sword?" Leng Ye asked again, pointing to the sword designed according to the shape of the Sword of Mercy.

"Of course!" Little Pepper blurted out without the slightest pause.

"Then now you believe that I am Leng Ye?" Leng Ye said proudly.

"Che~~ In the entire "Ling Yun", there are probably not many people who don't know Leng Ye. Anyone who knows Leng Ye knows that he has a lazy sword that cuts iron like mud and is invincible. I don’t know how many low-quality counterfeit products like yours are imitated! They are similar in shape but not in spirit!” Xiaojiao sneered.

"Similar in shape but not in spirit? Shape? God?" Thinking of this, Leng Ye laughed loudly, and said to Little Pepper: "Come and see the attributes of this 'fake', it's not too late to make a conclusion!"

The attributes of the Lazy Sword have long been guessed by outsiders, so Leng Ye didn't hide anything, and opened it directly to let Xiaojiao see everything at a glance.

"'s really Lazy Sword! are really Leng Ye?" Little Pepper pointed at Lazy Sword and exclaimed.

"Of course!" Leng Ye heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hahahaha!" Little Pepper laughed again, stopped after a long time, and said: "The attribute is good, even the name is exactly the same, it is a top-notch fake!"

Crazy in the cold night!

"Well, I'll give you one last chance to prove that you are Leng Ye, otherwise, don't blame this girl for being rude!" Little Pepper said.Once upon a time, there was an extra silver shovel in her hand, as if Leng Ye would shoot it if he made a mistake.

"It's right to counterfeit the lazy sword, and it's right to give the sword a name, but why do you have to have the exact same name! Will the system not prohibit such duplication of names?" Leng Ye said angrily. With a flash of inspiration, he laughed, and then asked Little Pepper to form a team.

(End of this chapter)

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