Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 881 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 881 The Path of the Elves (23)
I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.After reading the attributes of the little pepper, Leng Ye sighed, "God is not fair, and creation tricks people. How can he be bright if he is born!" All kinds of resentment and inferiority complex came to his heart.

"Wearing a novice outfit, you have [-] attack, [-] physical defense, [-] life and [-] speed. It's superhuman, oh no, it's not human at all!" Leng Ye shook his head and sighed.

At this time, Leng Ye heard Xiaojiao's innocent voice again: "Brother Leng Ye, why are you sighing? Do you think my level is too low to help you?"

"No...not!" Leng Ye said vaguely, and then thought again: "As the little girl said, we are now grasshoppers on a rope, so what's the use of blaming others? I should hope that the little pepper is level [-]. If she wears a super artifact suit again, wouldn't I be able to easily kill the ultimate guardian?"

Thinking of this, Leng Ye subconsciously touched his face, looked at his dark green hands, took out the two pieces of equipment for peasants and unemployed that just broke out from the Ring of Space, and said, "Little Pepper, look See if these two pieces of equipment can be used?"

"Wow! Brother Leng Ye, these are all fairy artifacts! But they are so beautiful! How much is they, I bought them." Xiaojiao put on the death hairpin, held the death sickle tightly in both hands, and said happily.

"Money—oh! The same gold coin, you give me two gold coins in total!" Leng Ye said calmly.

"Two gold coins? Oh—" Little Chili's face sank, and he hesitated.

"What? Too expensive?" Leng Ye smiled.

What surprised Leng Ye was that the little girl actually nodded.

"God's will! It seems that these two growth-type fairy artifacts are indeed destined to be with Xiaojiao! I won't get a single gold coin." Leng Ye laughed and remembered what Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said when he sold cassocks in Journey to the West The words: "Those who can know this treasure will not get a penny, and those who do not know this treasure will not sell it for a lot of money."

"In that case, I'll see you off!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Brother Leng Ye, you don't get paid for nothing!"

"Then take it as compensation for Brother Leng Ye's stepping on the wheat seedlings!"

"Then do you still want to help me kill the ultimate guardian and find the fairy spring water?"

"Silly girl, look here, brother Leng Ye doesn't want to be a clown, that's my business too!"

"Brother Leng Ye, thank you!" Xiaojiao said happily: "Brother Leng Ye, don't think that I don't know anything because I am a peasant girl. I also often go to the forum to read, how can I not know these two pieces of equipment? I appreciate your kindness, but I won’t take these two pieces of death equipment, and I will return them to you after killing the ultimate guardian.”

At this moment, Leng Ye truly understood the simplicity and kindness of the long-lost farmer, and strengthened his confidence in giving this item to the predestined person in front of him. However, Leng Ye believed in fate even more. As for who would get the two pieces of equipment , Leng Ye didn't think too much anymore, smiled, and said: "Let's talk about it after killing the ultimate guardian!"

(End of this chapter)

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