Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 883 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 883 The Path of the Elves (25)
"Brother Leng Ye, what's wrong with you?" The little girl asked, taking two steps closer to Leng Ye.

"'s nothing. Little sister, your basic attributes are very strong now, but...but...but you lack skills!" Leng Ye said three "buts" in a row, and finally said this sentence. Worried words willing to speak out.

"Brother Leng Ye, isn't an attack of [-] enough? How high is the attack?" Xiaojiao asked.

Indeed, the number of [-] is considered very high in the game. However, Leng Ye knew that what they were going to face this time were fairy beasts, divine beasts, and even super divine beasts. In front of the blood volume, it seemed insignificant again.

The Death Scythe is currently the only weapon that the little girl can hold. However, this weapon does not have any additional skills for multiple attacks. That is to say, the little girl can stably hit [-] attacks every time. The data of the opponent's defense.

Holding the lazy sword, Leng Ye relied on the skill of the spirit snake sword to use the broken sword style. Even if he didn't use the weak point attack, he could still achieve this number.This is also where the cold night is depressed.

"Brother Leng Ye, if... if you don't mind, you can let me learn your special skills! I am a diligent farmer!" Xiaojiao said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid of relegation?" Leng Ye asked, looking into Xiaojiali's eyes.

"Of course I'm not afraid. What's more, if you can learn the unique skills of the world's best master, it's worth dying!" Little Pepper said happily, and his words were extremely loyal, with an air of innocence.

Leng Ye is best at the four skills of Dugu Nine Swords, Spirit Snake Sword Righteousness, Sword Bullet, Arctic Swordsmanship and Lost Step, among which Dugu Nine Swords is the strongest.It's varied and aggressive, and it's definitely worth sacrificing one level or even ten levels for Little Pepper to learn.

"Brother Leng Ye, I'm going to use the learning technique on you now! I want to learn all the skills in your whole body!" Xiaojiao said with a smile.

"Then the spells you learn are random every time?" Leng Ye asked.

"It's not anymore. As long as I know the name of the skill, I can choose to learn it; if I don't know the name, and you have a skill that I don't know, I will learn it randomly. However, I have decided to put You've learned all the skills, so it doesn't matter if it's random or not!" said Little Pepper.

"Little sister, how much is your reputation?" Leng Ye asked suddenly.

"Brother Leng Ye, I have no reputation." Xiaojiao replied with a pout.

"Then you still don't want to learn the Dugu Nine Swords, even if you learn it, you can't use it now." Leng Ye sighed, and said: "The North Pole Sword Art is only for the descendants of the North Star, and now I can't use it when I go out of the North Pole, so you You don’t need to learn it yet.”

"Brother Leng Ye, you won't change your mind, will you? Don't you want me to study?" Little Pepper said a little angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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