Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 889 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 889 The Path of the Elves (31)
Leng Ye heard the sound and looked, and a beautiful young woman appeared on the calm lake.The young woman looks no more than 27 or [-] years old, with long hair and shawls, blue eyes, perhaps because she has been in the water for a long time, her skin is frighteningly white, her upper body is only covered by her underwear, and she sinks in the water from the waist down. Like a mermaid.

Although Leng Ye knew that the other party was a monster, he was still deeply attracted by the young woman's beauty.Three seconds later, Leng Ye regained his sanity, and after a Divine Appreciation Spell, the attributes of the young woman appeared before Leng Ye's eyes.

Snake-tailed blood lotus: a lower-rank red-grade mythical beast, a δ-type plant-type monster, life [-], attack [-], defense [-], speed [-], skill: blood splashing in all directions (snake-tailed blood lotus sprays poisonous blood to attack all enemies within three meters, none Different surface attack, powerful), breath thousands of miles (the blood lotus of the snake tail can suck the enemies within three meters around into the mouth, so as to hatch the enemy with the venom in the abdomen) illusion (the blood lotus of the snake tail can restore the original form of the plant - snow lotus, after recovery , all attributes increased by [-] (percent sign)).

"Sure enough, it's a divine beast! Not to mention the high attributes, there are also two perverted skills - blood splatter and air suction. Since the first three elves and fairies are the daughters of this young woman, blood splatter should be the upgrade of the elf arrow Version, the power is fixed on the arrow of the elf. Especially the one who can breathe thousands of miles, once he is hit, his life will probably be lost." Leng Ye sighed.

"Brother Leng...Brother, that stinky woman is so powerful. She knocked out [-] of my blood in one go. If it wasn't for the help of this... this big bird, I would have died." Xiaojiao said tremblingly, with two arms Crossed, a pair of cold look.

"How dare you call me a big bird, I knew I wouldn't be able to save you." Gold-winged roc changed suddenly, and a cute little girl appeared in front of Xiaojiao, annoyed.

"—" Little Pepper looked at Peng'er in surprise, and the two beads almost fell out.

"What are you? I'm your lifesaver!" Peng'er said, and then she came to Leng Ye and said, "Boss, I have done [-] things for you, big and small. .When I have completed [-] pieces for you, I will ask you to fulfill your promise one by one, and then don’t play tricks!"

"[-] is still far from [-]! There is no estimate in three to five years. According to the fate of online games, it is not bad for a game to last for five years, hehe!" Thinking coldly, he couldn't help laughing, Said: "Boss has always been a promise, and will not break his promise to you."

"Peng'er finally came out, let's let her help me pass the current stage first." Leng Ye thought so, and looking again, Peng'er had disappeared.He yelled a few more times, and then lured him with spirit snake meat, but Peng'er just didn't buy it, and the only reply was the slight snoring sound from the pet space.

Leng Ye sighed, shook his head, he was totally helpless to deal with this unruly and mischievous little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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