Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 892 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 892 The Path of the Elves (34)
"No, I can't just go out like this. The snake-tailed blood lotus is also a divine beast. If it goes out directly, it can't cause fatal damage to it. Maybe its dying struggle can kill me and Xiaojiao in seconds!" Thinking of this, Leng Ye held the lazy sword tightly, and in the belly of the snake-tailed blood lotus, practiced the sword skills indiscriminately.

"Broken Sword Style - Sweep!" Leng Ye thought, and instinctively swung the Lazy Sword horizontally in front of him, "drawing" a fan shape in the darkness.As soon as this move was performed, Leng Ye heard a few "bang bang bang!", and thought: "It's likely that the snake-tailed blood lotus has a few broken intestines!"

At the same time, Leng Ye also felt his body moving crazily with the viscous liquid in the dark, going up and down, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes even doing a few flips like a pilot training The upside-down movement was so jolting that he really wanted to throw up.

"This trick is really effective! It is said that the most dangerous place is often the safest place. I think this is true. There is a danger of being corrupted in its stomach at any time, but it is only attacked by venom. Looking at it this way Instead, it's safe." Leng Ye was thinking, and at the same time resorted to a "swinging sword".

Although Leng Ye's body was surrounded by an inexplicable liquid with a relatively high viscosity coefficient and friction coefficient, he still completed a [-]-degree rotation, and the lazy sword in his hand also ruthlessly drew a circle in the monster's stomach.

This sword that originally attacked multiple targets, now all fell on the various "internal organs" in the snake-tailed blood lotus. The damage it caused was stronger than the previous move of breaking the sword, and it also made it more painful.This can only be felt from the kind of "bumpy pilot training" experienced again in the ensuing cold night.

After experiencing these two times, Leng Ye gradually got used to the bumpy feeling, and the lazy sword in his hand began to attack non-stop - the swing sword is the priority, the broken sword style is second, and at worst there will be a "no move".

Although Leng Ye didn't know how much blood the snake-tailed blood lotus destroyed with each sword, he could feel that the vibration of the snake-tailed blood lotus was getting slower and weaker.He didn't think that the IQ of the Snaketail Blood Lotus was high enough to lure Leng Ye out by pretending to be dead. He knew that the monster was getting weaker and weaker from death.

When Leng Ye was at school, he set a personal record of holding his breath underwater for [-] minutes and [-] seconds (the current Guinness World Record: Alvidas of Lithuania lasted [-] minutes and [-] seconds underwater). completed in a stationary state.However, as we all know, exercise can intensify the consumption of oxygen, so the cold night in the fight has only persisted for more than a minute at this time, and he already feels the feeling of suffocation approaching him.

With the frequent use of the whirling sword and the frequent use of the broken sword style, Leng Ye's consciousness gradually became blurred. Finally, after Leng Ye used the sword bullet learned from the nine-tailed spirit dog, the lazy sword Then he began to dance freely, and the sword move was no longer a sword move...

(End of this chapter)

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