Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 899 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 899 The Path of the Elves (41)
"Teacher, let me see how much you have comprehended the skills I just taught you." The right protector said, with golden eyes shining, looking at Leng Ye's body like golden eyes.

"Hahahaha! It's God's will! It's all God's will!" The right protector said happily.

"Master, what do you mean?"

"I didn't expect you, apprentice, to be so talented that you have completely comprehended all the unique skills I taught you. In this way, your strength has entered the ninth level of the earth, and you are qualified to use the elf spring water. Hahahaha!"

"Thank you master!"

"Disciple, master, I have no other requirements. I only love to pursue fame and fortune all my life. I was trapped in the Elf Mountain. I am lucky to meet you today. As long as you succeed in founding the country, master will be able to leave this ghostly place. Master is disappointed!"

"Master, don't worry, the apprentice will follow the master's instructions!"

"Okay! Sure enough, I saw the right person. Let's go! The master will take you to find the Elven Temple."

"Master, what about her?" Leng Ye pointed back at Little Pepper and said, but saw that Little Pepper's eyes were staring blank, she was motionless, and couldn't help feeling worried.

"He has been immobilized by me with psychedelic spells. Women are not allowed to enter the Fairy Mountain, so I will send her out right now." As soon as he spoke, the right protector teleported behind Xiaojiao, "Shua! Shua! Shua! "The three axes went down, and the little pepper died.

"Master, she is Tu'er's good friend, how could you kill her!" Leng Ye said angrily.

"Tuer, don't be angry! This world we are in is cursed, that is 'undead, no return', if I don't kill her, she will never be able to go out, and this is the only way she can go out. Tuer , you don’t want her to stay here forever, do you?” Guardian You explained, he picked up a blood-red sickle from the place where Xiaojiali disappeared, handed it back to Leng Ye, and said: “This kind of sickle Weapons have the function of male and female identification. If a woman holds it, it will only bury it. You put it away and give it to someone who can help us complete the hegemony."

After hearing Guardian You's explanation, Leng Ye's anger gradually subsided, and he put the death scythe back into the ring of space, saying: "Master, I blamed you by mistake, let's go!"

While walking, Leng Ye was admiring the beautiful scenery of Fairy Mountain, while listening to the chatter of Guardian Right, and before they knew it, the two had arrived halfway up the mountain.

Although it is halfway up the mountain, it is covered with clouds and mist, and the mountains are blurred, which shows that the mountain is the highest.

"Master, the scenery here is not bad! It's a good place for self-cultivation and self-cultivation. I think you will spend your twilight years here, and leave the killing to disciples!" Leng Ye laughed.

"Disciple, master has stayed here for nearly ten thousand years when he was Zizhu back then. Although the scenery here is beautiful, but for the master, he is tired of looking at it. Being nourished by the spring water of the elves, the master was fortunate to transform into a human form. How can a tall and mighty warrior be nestled in the boudoir like a little Jiabiyu. A man has ambitions in all directions, did the master do something wrong?" said the right protector.

(End of this chapter)

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