Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 904 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 904 The Path of the Elves (46)
Diving into the bottom of the lake, there is no discomfort in the cold night, even the same as on the ground, the behavior is not affected in any way, even the eyes can be opened, and you can see anything within a dozen meters around.Not only that, Leng Ye was surprised to find that he could communicate with the left and right guardians in words, and the lake water would not enter his mouth at all.Leng Ye conjectures: Maybe this is because I am the envoy of the spirit snake!
On the shore, Leng Ye saw a well not far ahead at a glance.The well platform is very high, reaching above the waist of a person, and there are three big golden characters written on it—Elf Spring, which stimulated Leng Ye's eyes, made his heart move and excited him even more.

Not far from the well is a lotus platform, on which sits an old man with white beard.Leng Ye looked at the old man carefully, and saw that he was wearing a Taoist robe, holding a dust whisk in his hand, sitting cross-legged, radiant, with his eyes slightly closed, showing his immortal demeanor.

"Why is the spirit god an old Taoist priest?" Leng Ye was puzzled, and secretly used a magic spell on him.However, what surprised Leng Ye was that he only saw the name of the elf god, and the other attributes were all question marks.

"It seems to be at least a super divine beast." Leng Ye sighed.

"Great elf god, after [-] years of waiting, we have finally found a mortal who can accept the gift of the elf spring water, and I will bring it here today, and ask the elf god to give it to me." Guardian Zuo took a step forward and said.

"Good! Good!" The elf god smiled and nodded, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Leng Ye.However, when his eyes fell on Leng Ye, that smile stopped abruptly, and a fierce light burst out from his eyes, and he said in surprise: "Demon! Demon——"

"Where is the devil? Where is it?" The left and right protectors suddenly darkened when they heard the words of the elf god. They took out their weapons and stood in front of them, looking around, very nervous.

In contrast, the elf god was much calmer, but stared fiercely at Leng Ye, the amiable, fairy-like demeanor before was gone.

"It's me who won't say it? Although I have a demonic nature, how can I say that I also have a heart of loyalty and love!" Leng Ye and the elf god looked at each other, wondering what the elf god was thinking?He knew that it might not be so easy to obtain the elf spring water, and he couldn't help but regret secretly: "It would be great if I didn't give the elf spring water to the old lady for beauty!" But there is no medicine for regret in the world!

Thinking of this, Leng Ye was taken aback. He found that the eyes of the elf god were full of hostility and murderous intent, and he couldn't help trembling in his heart. However, his eyes were always on the elf god from the beginning to the end, and he never left.

"Left and right guardians, this is the predestined person you brought, do you know that he is a devil! As the guardian of the gods, how can we give the elf spring water to such an incarnation of the devil!" The left and right guardians shouted: "Go! You two kill him quickly, and I will intercede for you in front of the Lord Fashen, otherwise, it will be too late."

(End of this chapter)

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