Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 909 The Path of the Elves

Chapter 909 The Path of the Elves (51)
Not to mention clearing the level to zero, all the basic attributes are set to [-], and all the skills are gone.The only valuable things left on the entire attribute panel are [-] million prestige, [-] million prestige, and [-] patience.

"What... what's wrong with this? How could it be like this?" Leng Ye's previous excitement disappeared all at once, and he squatted down on the ground.

After a long time, Leng Ye recovered from the disappointment, stood up, and sighed: "Maybe this is God's will!"

Suddenly, Leng Ye's eyes caught a glimpse of something called an energy bar on the attribute panel, and his heart skipped a beat, and he regained his energy immediately.

"Teacher, the energy of the heavenly spring water and the ground spring water is not something you can enjoy..." Master's words echoed in Leng Ye's ears again.

"The Fountain of Man dispelled my demonic nature, resulting in the lack of attributes, which reduced my strength, like a useless person. After the lack of attributes, an energy bar appeared on the panel, and the energy of the Spring of Heaven is powerful..." Thinking of this, Leng Ye He took out the golden bowl from the Ring of Space, looked at the bowl full of heavenly spring water, and sighed, "Could it be God's will? Do I have to be reincarnated?"

The Spring of Heaven does not have so many clearly enhanced attribute descriptions like the drop of elf spring water rewarded to Leng Ye by the system before. Its description is very simple, and there are two things in total: [-]. It has huge energy, and [-]. After using it, the player reincarnates.

"The player reincarnates after use", this is why Leng Ye didn't drink it even though he was holding the bowl.Because Leng Ye had never heard of reincarnation information about this game before, and he knew nothing about the situation after reincarnation.Judging from previous games, after reincarnation, the player's strength will be strengthened to varying degrees, and even the profession can be changed.However, this is "Ling Yun", where everything is possible.

"The Fountain of Man purifies the demonic nature. I don't know who is more powerful. I am now inhuman or demonic. I am afraid that there is no one who can help me. Ask the master? This is the only way to go." Leng Ye sighed, and then rang a master-student communicator given to Leng Ye by the right protector.

"Disciple, have you left safely? Don't forget what the master told you. Remember, if you don't succeed, don't come back to see the master." Right Protector said.

"Master, I'm in trouble, I'm afraid I'm going to let you down!" Leng Ye said.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly, I will do my best as a teacher."

"Master, after I drank the Fountain of Man, my level has been cleared to [-], and my offense and defense have become [-]. Even the unique skills taught by the two masters have disappeared..."

"Ah! How did this happen, how did this happen!" Guardian Right exclaimed, and after a while, his voice came out again: "Teacher, is there an energy bar in your attributes?"

"Yes master, what's the use?"

"Neither of us thought that the demonic nature in your body is so strong. The energy of the human spring is not enough to clear the demonic nature in your body. If we knew it earlier, we would have used the spring of the earth."

(End of this chapter)

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