Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 917 Reincarnation

Chapter 917 Reincarnation (7)
Thinking of the "Please check the properties panel for details" in the system announcement, Leng Ye opened the properties again, and soon saw that there were three introductions to the three properties that just appeared under the panel.

Leng Ye first set his sights on the "level system".

The level system is a system set up to measure and distinguish the overall strength of players.According to the rank index, the player's strength is divided into heaven rank, earth rank, human rank, and no rank from high to low. Each rank is divided into one to nine ranks, the first rank is the lowest, and the ninth rank is the highest.

The so-called rank index is a comprehensive evaluation by the system based on the player's occupation, level, equipment and pets.The level of the level index directly determines the level of the player's level, as follows:
If the rank index is below [-] (including [-]), the player's rank is no rank; if the rank index is above [-] to below [-] (excluding [-]), the player's rank is human rank; if the rank index is above [-] to below [-] (not including [-]), the player's rank is the earth rank; if the rank index is above [-], the player's rank is the sky rank.Among them, the third rank of heaven, earth and human beings is further divided into nine ranks according to the rank index, namely, the first rank of the heaven rank, the second rank of the heaven rank... the ninth rank of the heaven rank; the first rank of the earth rank, the second rank of the earth rank... the ninth rank of the earth rank ; first-class human rank, second-rank human rank... ninth-rank human rank.There is a difference of [-] in the index of equal order between two adjacent "equal".

Players who enter the heavenly rank will be blessed by the god of heaven, and the rewards received in battles and missions will be doubled, and the punishments received will be halved.

Players who enter the ground level will be blessed by the god of the earth, and the rewards they receive during battles and missions will increase by [-] (percentage sign), and the penalties they will receive will decrease by [-] (percentage sign).

Players who have entered the human rank will receive the blessing of the God of Man, and the rewards received in battles and missions will increase by [-] (percentage sign), and the punishments received will remain the same.

The rewards and punishments received by players without ranks in battles and missions remain unchanged.

In particular, in the PK system:
When a sky-rank player fights an earth-rank player, all attributes increase by [-] (percentage sign); when a sky-rank player confronts a human-rank player, all attributes increase by [-] (percentage sign); when a sky-rank player confronts a player without rank, all attributes increase by [-] ( Percentage sign); earth-level players against human-level players, all attributes increase by [-] (percentage signs); earth-level players against non-ranked players, all attributes increase by [-] (percentage sign); human-level players against non-ranked players , increase all attributes by [-] (percent sign).

The PK between players of the same level depends on the level of "waiting" to determine the change of the player's overall attributes.For every "level" difference between the two, the low-level players' total attributes will be reduced by [-] (percentage sign), and so on. (For example, player A is at the first level of the earth, and player B is at the fifth level of the earth. Then when player A and player B compete with each other, player A's total attribute will be reduced to [-] (percentage sign) of itself.)
Seeing this, Leng Ye glanced at his rank again, and couldn't help showing a smile.Because, at this moment, Leng Ye found that although his level had returned to the starting point again, in terms of strength, he had improved to a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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