Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 936 The Strength of the Heaven Rank

Chapter 936 The Strength of the Heaven Rank (3)
"It took [-] points of patience for a level [-] mountain paste, it's black! It's really fucking black!" Leng Ye couldn't help cursing the system.He didn't seem to be very patient, so he didn't scold him for himself, but for Shui Rulan and others.He clearly remembered that Shui Rulan told him last time that even if she was online all day long, she only had [-] attribute points. If she put it on herself, it would only be enough to kill him.

"That's not right! Lan Lan said last time that if she fights monsters a day and only uses one skill, she can put [-] monsters, then it's not just about killing seven or eight heads of mountains. What's going on? What's going on? " Leng Ye was puzzled, quickly opened his attribute panel, and quickly found the stamina system. After seeing it, he was dumbfounded.

The first clause of the stamina system clearly stipulates that every time a player uses an active skill [-] times, the stamina will automatically decrease by [-].

"I can only release one of the patience points used by others to release skills [-] times, my God! This is too unfair!" Leng Ye couldn't help shouting.If he hadn't woken up and learned the "Holy Light Bodyguard", Leng Ye might have to say goodbye to the skill in the future.

"Honey, what's unfair? Is it because you're not as good as Sister Lan?" Mercury blurted out.Once upon a time, several girls came behind Leng Ye and looked at him differently.

"I am the first rank in the sky, and your sister Lan is the sixth rank in the earth. If you think about it with your butt, you will know who is better." Leng Ye said, making Mercury feel bad.

"Husband, Zimei knows you are the best." Qiu Zimei ran over, hugged Leng Ye's arm, and flattered her.In her eyes, whatever Leng Ye does is good.

"Of course." Leng Ye said with a smile.

"Husband, just now I watched you kill a red pig from a distance, it's amazing!"

"That is!"

"The red pig is a monster above level [-], right?" Xuemei asked.

"Level [-]."

"Wow! That's great! A villain at level [-]-[-] can kill a monster at level [-], that's amazing! Then... my husband, you leapfrogged to kill monsters, you must have risen to ten or twenty levels, right?"

"Yeah——" Leng Ye said casually, startled, quickly opened his attributes and looked, depressed again.

Monsters at level [-] are extremely powerful, even if players at level [-] team up to fight, it may be very difficult.If a level [-] player can kill it by chance, then this person can at least rise to level [-] or above.

And what Leng Ye was depressed about was that after he killed the mountain paste, although his experience had increased, the increase was pitifully small, only a negligible [-] (percentage sign).According to this calculation, he needs to kill [-] [-]-level mountain jelly to rise to level [-]-[-], can't he be depressed.

At this moment, a head of mountain ointment came out untimely, and landed right in front of Leng Ye.With a wave of the lazy sword in his hand, he made a move of "Wrath of the God of War" against Shan Gao, and followed the sword with his hand, only to see the lazy sword follow the wind like a shadow, dotted in vain, and in the blink of an eye, it was on Shan Gao's back Five fist blood holes were pierced. (The sword is flat and the fist is round. Why is this? This may be the Wrath of the God of War.)
(End of this chapter)

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