Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 940 The Strength of the Heaven Rank

Chapter 940 The Strength of the Heaven Rank (7)
Later, the little girl Jin Nanyan stopped singing, and when the jade flute blew, Shan Gao rushed from all directions like crazy, scaring the girls all "flying" into the sky.

As soon as there were more monsters, Leng Ye became a little flustered again. He gave up the plan to practice stretching his hands, and when the clone bracelet was turned, a clone that was exactly the same as him appeared in front of him.

Leng Ye ordered the three clones to scatter beside the quintuplet sisters in the five-element formation, while he himself moved back and forth between Mercury and Mars, killing with great joy.

Since the quintuplets were on the periphery, they were the first to attack Shan Gao when they rushed up.Although they have little blood, they still have seven or eight thousand. If they are lucky, they can withstand two or three attacks from one mountain balm, or "stand firm" under the combined attack of two bales.Leng Ye's avatar will take this opportunity to hold the "lazy sword" in his hand, and according to Leng Ye's order in advance, first use the "Wrath of the God of War" move, and then use the "Wrath of the God of War" move .

The avatar has [-]% of the power of Leng Ye itself. Except for the poor intelligence and the inability to use the skills on the equipment, they can use all the skills that Leng Ye can use one by one (Note: The avatar produced by the avatar bracelet is The best clones, each of their attacks is [-]% (percent) of Leng Ye's overall attack under the same conditions. For example: suppose Leng Ye's own attack is [-], and the attack effect of the broken sword is doubled, then Leng Ye's The power of a single sword shot is [-]. In this way, the power of his clone under the same conditions is [-] times [-] (percent sign), which is [-]. Instead of using [-] (percent sign) of attack (that is, [-]) Multiply by [-] (percent sign) of the broken sword effect ([-] times), because the result is only [-].).

I saw the two mountain balms attacking at the same time, rushing straight into Jin Xing's body. It may be that their luck was too bad. They only caused [-] damage to Jin Xing, and did not instantly kill Jin Xing who had just been resurrected under the five-element formation.At this time, the avatar responsible for guarding Venus raised the "lazy sword" in his hand, and aimed at one of the mountains with a move of "Wrath of the God of War".The shadow of the sword flickered and pointed, and in the blink of an eye, five blood holes appeared on Shanyou's back, and at the same time, the red words "-[-]" floated out of its body.The avatar's sword with Leng Ye's [-]% (percentage) power did not kill Shan Gao, but before Shan Gao could react, he made up the "Wrath of God of War" in time.As soon as the second sword came out, Shan Gao couldn't die...

Time passed by every minute and every second.The addition of the three clones undoubtedly accelerated Leng Ye's speed of fighting monsters, but things that surprised Leng Ye continued.He was surprised to find that the avatar and himself use the same skills, and the resistance consumed by each of their skills is fixed at [-] (deducted from Leng Ye), but it will not increase due to changes in skills, which also ensures that " The "Wrath of the God of War", a "luxury skill" that consumes a lot of patience, can have its meaning.

Even so, Leng Ye had to reduce the speed of killing monsters to one round of [-] or [-] seconds (three avatars kill one round and release two Wrath of God of War respectively, which consumes a total of [-] patience; and Leng Ye needs to consume patience to kill a monster. [-]~[-]. Holy Light Armor adds [-] point of resistance per second.), and sometimes you have to stop because of lack of patience.Later, when Leng Ye really realized that he was a "prodigal", he simply quit, rode Xiaobai and flew into the air, and became the commander of the clone wholeheartedly.

(End of this chapter)

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