Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 942 Crazy Plan

Chapter 942 Crazy Plan (2)
"Brother, whether it's a 'full-level reincarnation' or not, after reincarnation, the player's strength will improve to varying degrees compared to before reincarnation, and this may be one of the reasons why many players are eager to reincarnate. After all, it is quite difficult to upgrade after level [-]. However, the gap between 'full-level reincarnation' and '[-]-level reincarnation' is too great, I suggest that our shrine should cultivate more 'full-level reincarnation' players." Leng Ye paused, then said: " Brother, you need to find someone to confirm again, to see how the reincarnated person will level up the level [-] player, if it's like me today, then do it like this!"

"Xiao Ye, I understand what you mean, but in this way, one in nine players will be reincarnated from garbage. However, one player reincarnated from garbage can lead to eight full-level reincarnated players, which is really worth it! " Jindao said.

Leng Ye waved his hand and said, "Brother, you don't need that much! Our shrine has nearly 40 members, and one-ninth is 5 or 5 people. If anyone knows that I, Leng Ye, forced these [-] to [-] people [-] If you want to be reincarnated at level [-], you must not be scolded to death. You only need to bring the [-] people who are willing to reincarnate garbage to level [-]. After these people reincarnate, they will take on the task of bringing the rest of the gang to level [-]. The forest is getting bigger , There are all kinds of birds, I guess there are not a few people who are willing to reincarnate at level [-], and things will be easy in the future. But we must ensure that [-] people are reincarnated at full level, understand what I mean?"

Jin Dao and Young Master Luo both nodded, they once again looked at this lazy gangster who "doesn't care about world affairs" with admiration.

"By the way, big brother, please call me the thirteen people who have received reincarnation rewards! Also, you can find someone to help me bring Yan'er and Xue'er to level [-]!" Leng Ye said to Jindao.

Afterwards, Jin Dao and the Lost Young Master left one after another.

Not long after, Jin Dao came back with a team of people.Among these people, tall, short, fat, thin, beautiful, and ugly are all available, and they are uneven.Although Leng Ye doesn't judge people by their appearance, he is still very surprised by these very distinctive people.

"Leader, this is an evil soldier, a hidden professional evil spirit sword fairy, and a player who has received an abnormal 'full-level reincarnation' reward." Jin Dao pointed to a short-shouldered guy with an evil face.Among the thirteen people who came here, they had all kinds of characteristics, and it was really rare for one person to monopolize several items like him. Perhaps this was the reason why Jin Dao took special care of him.

"People can't be judged by appearances, often such people will behave unexpectedly!" Leng Ye thought, just stretched out his hand, the evil soldier rushed up, grasped Leng Ye's hand, trembling, said excitedly : "Bang... Hello, Master! Nice to meet you."

Leng Ye smiled and patted the shoulder of the evil spirit, and felt a powerful force from it, which was repelling rather than attracting. With this slap, Leng Ye felt that this person was definitely not an ordinary person, and said: "Very Nice to meet you! Brother, you have worked hard."

(End of this chapter)

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