Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 944 Peak Player

Chapter 944 Peak Player (1)
"I have admired the name of the guild master for a long time, but today I saw him with a different reaction. I hope that I will have the opportunity to follow the guild master in the future. You eat meat, but I drink soup!" said the wine bottle, holding Leng Ye's hand tightly.

"Could this be the legendary paladin with thick blood and high defense?" Leng Ye secretly marveled, but said: "Brother Wine Bottle, you are too polite, please forgive Leng Ye for saying bluntly: You are going to lose weight." Leng Ye's words It broke the relatively dull atmosphere and let everyone relax one by one.

"Master, this is the thirtieth generation of murlocs, a professional magician, a player who has received the normal 'level [-] reincarnation' reward." Jin Dao said again.

Leng Ye has noticed this man since he entered the door, because except for him in a dark magic robe, everyone else is wearing colorful clothes (equipment).Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he can attract Leng Ye's attention...

Next, Jin Dao continued to introduce: "Guangzhu, these three are Aoxue Weilong, Tailong and Daxiong. In reality, the three of them are triplet brothers, and their chosen professions are also sword fighters. At the same time, They are also players who get the normal 'level [-] reincarnation' reward."

Leng Ye looked at the three brothers. Not only were they tall and handsome, they were more "human" than the previous ones. He kept glancing at Wen Rou (one of the elders of Sword Demon Shrine)'s towering chest, even when shaking hands with Leng Ye.

At this time, a "little white face" suddenly stood up and said angrily to the triplet brothers: "If you three dare to pay Rourou's attention again, I...I...I will let the leader of the gang uphold justice for me .” It seems that he still dare not make a mistake in front of Leng Ye.

"Crazy prodigal son, don't you want to live anymore, and dare to be rude in front of the leader!" A long, small and exquisite guy shouted, and then came in front of Leng Ye, and said: "Master, my name is alive, I think the best of the world There is no one who is happier than being alive. Professional magician, get the normal 'full-level reincarnation' reward. Gang leader, him, him, him, and him, all four of them have bad intentions against the third elder."

"Brother alive, how can you say that about me. Hehe! Leader, I am called the infatuated prodigal son. I was impulsive and impulsive just now. Please forgive me. Professional assassin, get the normal '[-] reincarnation' reward, currently 'soft Rou's boyfriend." Xiaobailian said with a smile.His words naturally aroused the resentment of the triplet brothers, but the triplet brothers were not as presumptuous as the infatuated prodigal son, and kept the fire in their stomachs.

"People who have real ability in everything are mostly unruly and dissolute." Leng Ye understood this, so he didn't take the strange behavior of several people to heart.He walked up to a burly man dressed in coarse cloth with his head bowed all the time, suddenly he had a kind feeling, as if a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman.

(End of this chapter)

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