Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 971 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 971 Ancient Battlefield (10)
The four looked down.

I saw that the fire mage's body was gradually surrounded by flames, and the flames gradually spread outwards. As soon as they touched the ground, the ground immediately burst into flames.

At the same time, black smoke gradually appeared around Fa Xue's body, like enlarged tadpoles, spinning and swimming around it, like a legendary ghost.

Leng Ye was overjoyed, he knew the time was ripe, so he ordered two clones to lead the golden titan to the attack range of Faxue and Fire Mage.

The moment the Golden Titan entered the magic attack range of Faxue and Fire Mage, the soul of "Ice Soul Snow Soul" released by Faxue and the flame of "Hellfire" released by Fire Mage happened to mix together on the Golden Titan. Together, when ice and fire meet together, thick smoke immediately rises and fills the air.Thick black smoke floated straight up, like a black pillar, straight into the sky, like the smoke of an ancient wolf, appearing in the sky above the ancient battlefield.

Leng Ye's eyes were completely blocked by the smoke, however, his heart was immersed in the joy of "killing" the Golden Titan in a flash.

The smoke gradually disappeared, and the two clones responsible for attracting the Golden Titan also disappeared, and even Zhixue and Huo Priest hid behind the ruined wall.However, the gold titan with an ax in both hands and a golden body all over seemed to be fine. At this moment, it was roaring and waving the bloody ax in its hands, as if it was demonstrating like Leng Ye and others, announcing its victory.

Anyone on Earth can imagine that, instead of killing the Golden Titan with the two skills of Ice Soul Snow Soul and Hellfire, Faxue and Fire Mage became the ghosts of the Golden Titan's axe.

"TMD, it turned out to be immune to magic." Leng Ye couldn't help cursing when he saw the golden titan's blood bar that didn't move at all.

"Honey, the golden titan is hard to kill, what should I do?" Shuang'er asked immediately with a gloomy face.

"No matter how powerful it is, it can only be regarded as the king of the land. We will attack him from the air." As soon as the words fell, Leng Ye used a flying sword technique, and then the lazy sword in his hand came out, fiercely stab at the golden titan.

Since reincarnation, every time Leng Ye made a move, no matter what skill he used, the lazy sword in his hand never missed it. This was partly due to the skill he learned from the right guardian of the elf mountain, the precise strike.This time was no exception, the lazy sword's landing point was almost exactly the same as Leng Ye expected, right in the middle of the Golden Titan's Tianling Cap.

As soon as the lazy sword touched the golden titan, it made a loud "clank", and then returned to Leng Ye's hand.

"Husband, the golden titan knows how to do it!" Shuang'er exclaimed.

"Shuang'er, let Xiaobing fly low." When the Binghuo Phoenix had descended to a certain level, Leng Ye threw the lazy sword again.This time the lazy sword hit the bottom of the golden titan, and with a loud noise, the lazy sword returned to Leng Ye's hands again.

"Honey, you're so nasty!" Shuang'er whispered.

Generally speaking, the bottom plate is the monster's weakness. If hitting this place can't cause damage to the monster, then the monster will be very difficult to fight.Leng Ye smiled bitterly, because this time there was still loud thunder and little rain, and the extremely sharp lazy sword did not cause any damage to the Golden Titan, even if it was compulsory.

(End of this chapter)

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