Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 979 Super Demon Spirit’s Reward

Chapter 979 Super Demon Spirit’s Reward (6)
"Husband, this scroll is too scary, I don't want it anymore!" Shuang'er said and put the scroll back into Leng Ye's hand.

"This is the 'only' hidden job!" Leng Ye raised the parchment in his hand and said.

"I know! But I just don't want to. I'm not as stupid as Sister Lan! If I change my job to Shenchao, I will become stronger unconsciously, and then you won't protect me as much as before. "Shuang'er made a face for Leng Ye, and said: "I only have one, and that is you, my husband."

Leng Ye didn't expect Shuang'er to think so, smiled, shook her head helplessly, and didn't force her anymore.But after hearing this special "one and only", Leng Ye felt very happy in his heart.

As soon as she turned around, Leng Ye found that Shui Rulan and Wen Wen were staring at her, both girls had happy smiles on their faces, but their eyes made Leng Ye feel a little weird.

"Brother Leng, I have already hidden my profession, and I can no longer change to "Ghost Envoy". Thank you for your kindness." Contrary to Leng Ye's expectation, Rourou also handed the parchment back into his hands.

Holding a parchment scroll in one hand, Leng Ye smiled wryly, and said to himself, "I don't want such good things, what do women think nowadays?"

"Husband, why have we turned [-] to level [-]?" Shuang'er suddenly asked loudly, startling everyone.It may be that I was just immersed in the surprise and forgot about the upgrade.

"Sister Shuang'er, my husband killed a super demon, a big boss with nearly [-] billion blood, so don't you have a lot of experience?" Shui Rulan replied.

"That's not right! The super demon was killed by my husband. According to the rules of team formation, he should be promoted to a higher level. How could he be only one level higher than us?" Shuang'er saw Leng Ye's message through the team channel Level, puzzled, tilted his head and asked.

"Sister Shuang'er, what is your current leveling experience?" Shui Rulan asked thoughtfully.

"Uh~ [-] (percent sign), Sister Lan, what's the matter?" Shuang'er replied.

"I am also [-] (percent). I have killed more monsters than you, so I should have gained more experience than you, and we are all the same. Unless..." Shui Rulan seemed
"Unless upgrading from level [-] to level [-] is another bottleneck?" Shuang'er said first.

Shui Rulan nodded.

The two looked at each other, then looked at Leng Ye again, as if to say: "Lucky ghost, why did you cross this threshold so easily again?"

At this time, Rourou suddenly asked: "Brother Leng, can you explain what happened to the nearly [-] billion attack?"

Leng Ye was taken aback, looked at Wen Rou, sighed, and said, "Actually, I don't know exactly what happened. Every time the Spirit Snake Sword Yi stabs, there will be [-] offsets, which means it can hit [-] times the attack." ;After I go berserk, I have [-] times the attack bonus; that sword I used the wrath of God of War, and I have [-] times the attack bonus. To sum up, if I don’t consider the monster’s defense, my sword should at least be able to Attack [-] times. If only this is the case, the attack of my lazy sword should be more than [-] million, which is obviously impossible. Therefore, there must be something strange. For example, it is possible to play a weak point attack, lazy sword [-] times or even [-] times the attack will appear, and the golden titan will be resistant to physics, etc., which may be the reason why I hit such an astronomical figure."

(End of this chapter)

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