Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 981 Super Demon Spirit’s Reward

Chapter 981 Super Demon Spirit’s Reward (8)
When Leng Ye killed the Golden Titan, she really wanted to give Leng Ye a warm hug like Shuang'er, but she didn't.She didn't dare, she was afraid that it would make Leng Ye feel casual, and even ignore her in the future.

Ruan heard that boy Hou Wenjia said: "The boss brings more surprises to women than JINGZI." She didn't quite believe it before, but today she is completely convinced.

Even so, when Leng Ye said that he could hit [-] times the attack, Wen Rou was stupid again.She thought that Leng Ye was unfathomable, but she never expected that Leng Ye was so powerful.That's why there was a scene where she lost her composure to Leng Ye.

Wenrou just said it casually, but she guessed it right.That's right, there is also an item that exploded from the golden titan lying in the space bracelet.Leng Ye didn't hide anything, just took it out, shared attributes and watched it with the three girls.

This is something similar to a horn. It looks like a musical instrument, but it is several times larger than a normal horn.When the eyes of the four people saw the attribute of the "horn" at the same time, they shouted two words in unison: magic weapon.

This horn has been appraised and named Longling Horn.

Dragon Spirit Horn: A magic weapon. It can improve the morale and combat effectiveness of the army by playing music. Its power is related to the prestige of the emperor.Emperor, buglers are available.

Leng Ye's ice scabbard is considered a magic weapon, and its lazy sword may also grow into a special magic weapon, but these two are not items that explode from monsters.But the thing that looks like a bull's horn in front of him is the item that Leng Ye killed the golden titan and exploded. Does this mean that killing monsters may also explode magic weapons in the future?

Reminiscent of the previous system announcement (the game has fully entered the Age of Law), Leng Ye confirmed this idea.But Leng Ye absolutely believed that the difficulty of detonating a magic weapon from a monster would never be easier than the process of Lazy Sword's growth.

"Husband, look, what kind of magic weapon is this dragon spirit horn? It can be attacked or not, and it can be defended or not!" Shuang'er was extremely disappointed with the dragon spirit horn.Not only Shuang'er, but even Shui Rulan and Wen Wen dismissed this so-called magic weapon.

Leng Ye has heard about the power of the magic weapon. Although he still doesn't know how powerful the dragon spirit horn is, he absolutely believes that the dragon spirit horn has the power of a magic weapon. Taking the dragon spirit horn from Shuang'er, he said: " Have you seen the pattern on it? It is a dragon. We are all descendants of dragons, and it is called the Horn of the Dragon Spirit, which was sent by God to help us..."

Leng Ye continued his self-created fallacies and heresies, and what he said was vivid and miraculous. In the end, he convinced the three women in front of him, and once again showed his masculine charm.

"Husband, even if what you said is reasonable, but the mouth is so big, how can you blow it!" Shuang'er pointed to the air inlet on the thin head of Longling Horn.

Leng Ye re-examined the Dragon Spirit horn in his hand: the whole body is yellow, curved like a horn, and a golden dragon is engraved on the horn; the length (arc length) of the horn is about [-] cm, and the diameter of the thicker end is about [-] centimeters, and the thin end is about [-] centimeters. It feels very good in the hand, and it feels light in the hand.

(End of this chapter)

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