Genius cute baby falls from the sky

Chapter 10 Unlawful Detention

Chapter 10 Unlawful Detention
Ten minutes later, Zhan Jinyan came to Gu Beichen's office.

"What you said is true?" After hearing what Zhan Jinyan said, Gu Beichen's eyes widened in disbelief.

As soon as the words fell, I felt Zhan Jinyan's sharp gaze like a knife sweeping over.

Gu Beichen shivered suddenly, coughed twice, and said with a smile: "Ahem...Sorry, I couldn't control it for a while!"

Zhan Jinyan asked impatiently, "Why is this happening?"

Gu Beichen put away his surprise, and said solemnly, "According to the logic, your sleep disorder has reached a very serious level. Without drugs, light sleep is okay, but deep sleep is impossible! And you actually slept a few times. When I was young, I didn't even know when she passed away. Maybe... there is hope for your illness!"

"En!" Zhan Jinyan responded lightly, waiting for the next sentence.

Gu Beichen said: "You do an experiment first to find out whether it is this woman who can make you fall asleep, or whether it is because of the excessive consumption of rolling the sheets! One month of experiment time, and then come and tell me the result, and I will give you symptomatic treatment. "

Hearing this, Zhan Jinyan frowned, with an unconcealable disgust in his eyes.

"I know you don't like to touch women! However, it's a special situation, try it! In fact, sex is a very beautiful thing. If you experience it a few times, you will fall in love. Believe me!" Zhan Jinyan blinked ambiguously.

Zhan Jinyan glanced at him coldly, got up, and left.

Gu Beichen murmured to Zhan Jinyan's back on purpose: "Munsao guy, you've put everyone to sleep, and you're still pretending to be aloof...Hmph...!"

Zhan Jinyan paused, and left without looking back.


Evening sunset, good time western restaurant.

After Song Xiangwan got off work, he walked to the side of the road, and a black Hummer stopped at his feet.

The window of the car fell down, revealing Zhan Jinyan's handsome face that made people angry.

Song Xiangwan took a defensive step back.

When meeting for the first time, you may be confused by his skin.

But, now...!
She had to stay as far away from him as possible.


Zhan Jinyan's voice was deep and pleasant, but it was very cold, as cold as the thousand-year-old ice.

Song Xiangwan didn't move, "Sorry, I don't have time!"

"Don't make me say it a third time, get in the car!"

His voice was deep, cold, and even more domineering, allowing no one to refute.

"...!" Song Xiangwan was startled, and an inexplicable fear rose in his heart.

However, she was afraid of returning home, but she did not intend to compromise.

"Sorry, I'm not your subordinate, there's no need to obey your orders!"

Song Xiangwan dropped a word coldly, stopped looking at him, and left on his own.

Zhan Jinyan frowned, and narrowed his eyes awe-inspiringly.

After a moment of silence, he opened the door and got out of the car, strode after her, and grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?" Song Xiangwan was startled and wanted to withdraw his hand.

Zhan Jinyan glanced at her, pulled her back forcibly, stuffed her into the co-pilot, and locked the door.

Unable to get off, unable to leave, Song Xiangwan slammed on the car door angrily, "What are you doing? Are you illegally detained? Let me go quickly, or I'll call the police!"

Zhan Jinyan ignored it, got in the car, started it, and left.

"Where are you taking me? It's you who said we'll get rid of money and goods, and don't see me again! What are you doing now? You can't just fall in love with me after sleeping all night! Let me go!" Go on, I still have work to do!" Threats are not enough, Song Xiangwan can only choose to stimulate with words.

(End of this chapter)

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