Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 10 Tony Stark

Chapter 10 Tony Stark

Chapter 7 Tony Stark
The car drove all the way across the vast desert, and Wayne and the others arrived near a mountain range in a few minutes.

After getting off the car, two Middle Eastern soldiers put Wayne in the middle and walked towards the mountains.

There is an artificially mined walkway in the middle of the mountain. Boxes and shells are piled up one by one on both sides of the road. From the gaps in some hidden boxes, you can see that there are neat bullets or guns inside. All the boxes and The words Stark Industries are clearly printed on the missiles.

Every few steps there will be a heavily armed soldier on guard.Is this an arsenal or a base? Wayne observed carefully as he walked. Every soldier looked at him with a very unfriendly expression, some indifferent, some grinning, as if saying, "Look, and Catch a wretch."

Wayne, who was framed in the middle, was a little startled when he saw the large amount of ammunition around him.

It was not because he was shocked by the strength of the soldiers, but because it was unbelievable. In the eyes of Wayne after awakening, these soldiers were nothing but rubbish, but these rubbish could have such a huge ammunition.

Walking and walking, he came to a cave and looked back from the surrounding ammunition. Wayne found three people standing among a group of Middle Eastern soldiers in front of him.

A Middle Eastern man with a bald head, a middle-aged American with a mustache in a black jacket, and an older, thin old man with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a suit.

The bald man was looking up proudly, communicating with the mustache American and the little old man beside him, and at the same time directing the soldiers next to him to carry the ammunition into the cave, and he almost wrote the words "I am the boss" on his face.

Seeing Wayne and the others approaching, the bald man stopped communicating with the old man in the suit and walked over:

"What's going on over there? Where is this man from? (Arabic)"

"When we passed, we found a big hole in the ground, and this man was found in the hole. (Arabic)"

The man to Wayne's left replied.

Seeing the two Middle Easterners in front of him communicate with each other in an incomprehensible bird language, Wayne suddenly became a little bored, and his eyes began to wander from side to side again.

"Hey, Mustache, you look familiar."

Suddenly, Wayne looked at the bearded American with a hint of doubt on his face.

"Huh? You speak English? Are you American?"

The mustache, who was in a daze, looked at Wayne in surprise after hearing what Wayne said.

Just as he was about to continue asking, the bald man next to him suddenly pointed at Wayne and said to the soldier, "Kill him. (Arabic)"

The soldier who had been driving Wayne immediately raised his gun and pointed it at Wayne beside him.

"Stop! Keep him. He can speak English and understand me. With him, I can finish the weapon faster."

The mustache ran between Wayne and the soldiers excitedly, blocked the muzzle pointing at Wayne, and looked at the little old man with glasses.

Seeing Mustache's gesture, the old man immediately translated Mustache's words to the bald man.

The bald head looked at the old man with some doubts, raised his hand at the soldier, motioned him not to shoot, and turned to look at the mustache: "Okay, I will trust you again, and I will give you another 5 days, I want to see to the finished product. (Arabic)”

"Take them in. (Arabic)" the bald man walked up to Wayne and gave him a hard push, then ordered to the nearby soldiers.

"Is this the place where you work? Are you arrested? What bad luck." In the cave, Wayne looked at all kinds of old instruments leisurely, and said to the two people next to him.

"It's unlucky enough, but haven't you been arrested too?" Mustache rolled his eyes, a little uncomfortable with Wayne's frivolous tone, everyone was arrested, I'm unlucky, aren't you unlucky? .

"I'm not arrested. I can leave whenever I want. Hey, you look familiar to me."

Wayne approached Mustache and carefully observed Mustache's face. He always felt that this face was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"Oh! I see, you look a bit like Tony Stark!"

Suddenly Wayne's eyes lit up, and he shouted excitedly.

When he was in the orphanage, Tony Stark was the envy of many children. He became famous at a young age, was worth tens of billions, won various awards, and slept with countless beauties.

Ordinary people are very satisfied as long as they have any of them, but these are all concentrated on Tony Stark. In Wayne's view, Tony is simply the illegitimate child of Goddess of Luck.

"You're not his relative, are you?"

Wayne enthusiastically hooked Mustache's shoulder and whispered in his ear.

"Ha, you also know Tony Stark? I heard he is a genius, do you admire him?"

Mustache's expression finally changed, he stopped what he was doing, and the corners of his mouth began to curl up uncontrollably.

"Yes, yes, he is my idol."

"Hahahaha, the young man has a good eye."

Hearing this sentence, Mustache finally couldn't help laughing out loud, and the nasty kid in front of him finally became a little more pleasing to the eye.

"I rescued you back and asked him to help me open a hot pot restaurant. It shouldn't be too much."

As if thinking of something, Wayne swallowed subconsciously.

"What is hot pot? The name is weird. Also, I'm not his relative, I'm Tony Stark!"

Seeing Wayne mention Tony's expression of admiration, Mustache replied with a look of embarrassment.

"Hot pot is...huh?"

Wayne, who was just about to explain what hot pot is, suddenly reacted.

I carefully looked at the mustache next to me again. Is this Tony Stark himself?No wonder it looks so similar, and it's true that there is no news about Tony having any siblings.

"And I don't need you to take me out, I'm Tony Stark, how could this kind of small cave hold the smartest person in the world."

It seems that Wayne's admiration made Tony directly define him as his own, and he took Wayne to a surveillance corner without hesitation, and took out a few blueprints from a pile of scrap iron.

"Look, we need to make this now, and then we can get out of this ghost place. With your participation, we can finish it faster."

"Yes, my old bones can't hold it anymore, hello, my name is Ethan, and I'm from Gemila."

At this time, the little old man who had been unable to intervene finally came over and stretched out his hand to Wayne.

"Hi, my name is Wayne and I'm from New York."

Wayne looked at the drawings, shook hands with Ethan absent-mindedly, and then said eagerly.

"Then let's get to work."

Although Wayne is confident that he can rush out of the base intact, he can't guarantee that he can take two ordinary people out. Tony and Ethan can't ignore bullets like Wayne.

"You'd better put on your clothes first, I don't like to see a man in little clothes dangling in front of me."

Tony frowned and looked at Wayne's fig leaf, then turned around and took out an old suit and threw it to Wayne.

"Ding, ding, ding."

Tony and Ethan looked at Wayne who was forging in a daze. Before the work started, the three of them divided the work.

Tony was in charge of assembling, Ethan was in charge of dismantling, and Wayne volunteered to choose blacksmithing, that is, transforming the dismantled old materials into the shape Tony needed.

This step is the most labor-intensive, because there are not all kinds of modern advanced equipment here, and all steps need to be completed by manpower.

Before Wayne came, Tony needed to knock an alloy flat for more than 10 minutes, but Wayne came up with three hammers, directly smashing an arm-sized alloy into an iron sheet.

If it wasn't for the limited area of ​​the hammer, Wayne would need to hit it three times to flatten the alloy. I'm afraid Wayne would only need one hammer.

"I now somewhat believe that you can go out by yourself."

Tony shook his head, stopped watching Wayne's abnormal operation, and concentrated on assembling the parts.

"You really don't think about investing in me to open a hot pot restaurant, Tony?" Wayne looked at the big local tycoon Tony attentively while knocking on the iron.

"Let's go out and talk about it. If it is really as delicious as you said, it is not impossible."

Tony has a headache. In the past two days, Wayne has mentioned the hot pot restaurant to him countless times, which made him have a little expectation for hot pot.

"Actually, I think you can also invest in a barber shop. There are five Tonys in a barber shop near our orphanage. They are skilled. I will ask them to help me with my hair when I go back."

Wayne scratched at his short, newly grown hair.

"you shut up!"

Tony couldn't take it anymore, after two days of getting along, he found that Wayne was good everywhere, just this mouth, like a machine gun with infinite bullets, always in your ear. "Hit your iron hard, and your hot pot restaurant will be ruined if you talk again!"

"Ha, are you agreeing to the hot pot restaurant?"

Wayne said something in surprise, then raised his right hand and put his index finger in front of his mouth, and made a shush gesture at Tony, signaling Tony to stop talking, and he was about to start working.

"." Tony was speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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