Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 104 The Devil Outside the Door

Chapter 104 The Devil Outside the Door


Wayne withdrew his hand like lightning.

Although the green lollipop looks funny, the temperature on his body is not a joke. The temperature that erupted at that moment just now far exceeds that of John before.

Pulling away from Brother Lollipop, Wayne looked down at his palm, the scorched skin was rapidly falling off, and new flesh and skin were growing rapidly.

Fortunately, I have a self-healing factor, otherwise this palm would be temporarily useless.


The red lollipop suddenly yelled at the green lollipop.

"I know."

The red light on his body slowly disappeared, and the green lollipop became normal again.

Only then did Wayne realize that their fancy costumes were still specially-made combat uniforms.

Under the super high temperature just now, it can still remain intact.

"Which organization are you from?"

Perhaps infected by the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Wayne suddenly asked a question that seemed very mentally retarded to him before.

When I was a child, every time I watched a police or secret agent in a movie and asked the villain who suddenly appeared what kind of organization you were, Wayne couldn't help but sneer.

But at this moment, he suddenly understood why those agents asked such a question.

Well, simply because they are curious.

At the moment, Wayne is also very curious.

While he admits he underestimated the Lollipop Demon Brothers' abilities, he can be sure they didn't make the suit themselves.

There must be some organization behind them.

In other words, this kidnapping may not be an ordinary kidnapping, but a kidnapping by a certain organization against S.H.I.E.L.D.


The green lollipop seemed ready to answer Wayne's question.

However, Wayne didn't intend to listen, taking advantage of the moment when the green lollipop spoke.

Wayne took the initiative to rush over.


Wayne punched directly through the chest of the green lollipop with all his strength.

Just when Wayne was about to withdraw his hand, the green lollipop suddenly grabbed Wayne's shoulder with both hands.

"Do you think I can die like this?"

The green lollipop showed his ugly teeth again.

Red light once again bloomed from the wound of the green lollipop, and the familiar burning sensation once again touched Wayne's hand intimately.

This time, even Wayne's shoulders seemed to be drenched by hot magma, and the clothes quickly ignited flames, and then turned into black ashes.


After Wayne was slightly startled, he started to back away.

On the way back, both hands waved fiercely from bottom to top at the arms that firmly grasped his shoulders.

Wayne's hands were like two sharp knives, directly cutting off the two hands of the green lollipop.

However, the lollipop in green with his hands cut off did not back down, instead he threw himself directly at Wayne.

Enduring the pain in his shoulders and hands, Wayne kicked the green lollipop away.

However, the red-clothed lollipop, who had been watching the battle, rushed to Wayne's side at some point, and his whole body began to glow red.

Like a wife who hadn't seen her husband for a long time, when she saw her husband, she jumped at her husband without hesitation, the red lollipop rushed into Wayne's arms fiercely.


Wayne's back is facing the window.

Under the impact of the red lollipop, the two flew backwards, broke the window, and fell from the third floor.

On the other side, the green-clothed lollipop struggled to stand up from the ground. The wound on his chest and the hands broken by Wayne quickly recovered under the repair of the red light.

Looking at the messy interior and the closed door on the other side, the green-clothed lollipop hesitated for a moment, then ran to the window and jumped down.

The third floor regained its calm.

After a while, a round cat's head suddenly popped up at the corner of the third floor.

Meowji waited until the voice above had completely quieted down, and finally dared to stick his head out to see the situation.

On the third floor, except for the living room where Wayne and the others had just fought, there was only one closed door left.

The four little paws tapped the ground a few times, and Meowji came to the closed side, like a nimble cheetah, swift and quiet.

Jumping up lightly, Meowji jumped up and scratched the doorknob with her paw, but the door was not opened, it seemed to be locked.

Looking around helplessly, Meowji began to claw at the crack of the door with his claws.

"Whoa Whoah"

The closed door was scratched by Meowji, making a harsh friction sound.

inside the door.

A curly-haired pot-bellied man was tied to a wooden bench in aggrieved manner.

Both hands and feet were bound with thick hemp ropes, bloodstains had already been printed on them, and they seemed to be tied tightly.

When the first gunshot sounded in the house, his face, which had been ashen ashes, suddenly showed a surprised expression.

However, this surprise didn't last long. When the voice of the devil lollipop brother sounded, the surprise on the pot-bellied face was instantly replaced by panic.

It seemed that he remembered the pair of brothers who looked like demons, and he didn't even dare to make a sound with his big belly.

Shrinking his neck, he sat obediently on the chair, like a child who made a mistake and waited for his parents to come home.

After Wayne and the devil lollipop brother went out, the temporary silence in the house made the belly full of hope once again.

Is it S.H.I.E.L.D., or the organization?
No matter who it was, he now only hoped that the other party would take him away from this place, away from those demonic brothers.

Pot Belly is an excellent biologist, but the better he is, the more he understands the situation of the demon brothers.

They're not mutants, they're just injected with a drug.

And the other party tied him here just to ask him to help research that drug.

At first, he would rather die than submit, but the other party didn't seem to force him, and directly knocked him out.

After waking up from a coma, he came here and saw the pair of demonic brothers. After they injected something into their body, they never paid attention to him again.

When he first got the injection, the big belly was very panicked. He didn't know what the other party injected into his body, but he thought that the other party still wanted something from him, so he wanted to do research for them.

The big belly felt more at ease for a while, and made up his mind that when the other party came to talk to him next time, he would directly agree with the other party, and then find an opportunity to contact his own assembly or S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, the other party has never come to him again, just imprisoned him here.

After a long time, it was still quiet outside, but there was hope in the eyes of the big belly, and he began to try to move his hands and feet.

However, as soon as he moved, the contact between the wound and the hemp rope made the big belly take a breath of air-conditioning in pain.

Before he could yell out, the sound of sharp claws rubbing against the door suddenly came from outside the door.

The big belly used his willpower to control himself from screaming, and his eyes stared at the door in front of the door in horror.

In an instant, countless terrifying associations destroyed his inner peace of mind.

What will be able to defeat the demon?
Only demons can defeat demons.

Could it be that the sound just now was not from SHIELD or the organization to save himself.

But another more terrifying and ferocious demon has taken a fancy to him?
"Whoa Whoah"

The terrifying sound of grinding claws is still ringing, and the sound is getting louder.

The entire door began to vibrate, as if the demon outside might rush in at any moment, and swallow him with a big mouthful.

 All newbie recommendations are recommended.

  Then I suddenly found that the number of collectors began to decrease?

  It's hard not to increase but to decrease.

  What's the problem?
  By the way, do you all think that the part at Xavier Talent Academy was not good?

(End of this chapter)

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