Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 108 Mission Ended

Chapter 108 Mission Ended
"Di woo woo woo woo woo~"

A series of sirens sounded from far to near.

The efficiency of the Indian police is faster than Wayne imagined, perhaps because too many people reported the crime.

The local police station realized the importance of this incident, so almost all the police forces that could be used were dispatched.

A police car was parked on the street, and the police ran down from the police in groups. Some of them directly blocked the scene, and the other began to knock on the door one by one to learn about the situation from the local residents.

Leaving Meowie on his shoulders, Wayne pretended to be a frightened tourist and prepared to get past the police.

The process was successful, and because Wayne was the first onlooker to get in touch with the police, the police had not yet learned of the specific situation through other residents.

The police who questioned Wayne did not associate him with a terrorist when he saw Wayne's too young appearance.

What's more, Wayne was carrying a chubby orange cat on his shoulder, and the interrogating police probably never thought that someone would come out with a cat to cause damage.

After the routine, Wayne was released by the police, who continued to knock on doors from door to door, hoping to learn more information.

Just as he was about to leave, two more police cars drove over, and a middle-aged policeman came out pressing several prisoners.

Wayne stopped and took a look, the prisoners seemed familiar.

"We are victims, officer, look at the blood on my head."

It was the burly man who was knocked out by Wayne who spoke.

With handcuffs on both hands, he was trying to explain to the sheriff in front of him, hoping to get rid of his criminal suspicion.

"Be honest."

The sheriff glanced at it, and the burly man immediately closed his mouth.

In front of the sheriff, the burly man was like a harmless chick.

"Sheriff, the people nearby said that there was a terrorist exchange of fire just now, and one of them seemed to be a very young Caucasian guy with an orange cat on his body."

A young police officer ran over, took a few breaths, and hurriedly reported the discovery to his sheriff.

But he subconsciously concealed some content.

For example, he seemed to let go of a young Caucasian guy just now, and that Caucasian guy had an orange cat on his shoulder.

But he was not going to tell others about it, and he even hoped that the white boy would just disappear.

In this way, no one will know about his dereliction of duty.

He cherishes the job he just got, and as the only boy in a poor family, he needs it to support his family.

"Hey, Sheriff, I know that kid!"

The burly man suddenly became excited.

The young policeman's description just now reminded him of the culprit who labeled himself as such not long ago.

It seemed that the bastard had not only offended himself, but also committed more things.

This is a good opportunity for revenge.

The burly man who thought there was no hope for revenge was suddenly full of energy.

Even neglecting to continue to defend himself, he felt that at this moment he even hoped that Wayne would be arrested immediately more than the young police officer.

"Oh? You still have connections with terrorists?"

The sheriff eyed the burly man.

This is a frequent visitor to their police station, and they will come and live for a period of time almost every few months.

"No, Mr. Sheriff, you listen to my explanation."

The burly man was startled by the sheriff's words.

He still dares to do the usual petty theft, but he can't do things like contacting terrorists with his courage.

"Look at my wounds, Mr. Sheriff, this is what I caused when I fought that terrorist just now."

The burly man pointed to the wound on his forehead.

After being hit by Wayne just now, the big man's head hit the ground directly when he fell. At this moment, he was soaked in cold sweat just now, and his mouth twitched in pain.

But now he can't care about these small pains, he feels that he will finally make a contribution to his country in this life.

"At that time on the commercial street in front, I found that kid was a little sneaky, not like a good person."

"Master Sheriff, you can ask other people at that time, many people have seen it, I brought a few friends of mine to stop that terrorist, but"

The burly man became more and more excited as he talked, as if the pain on his body could not affect his righteous heart.

Not long after, the burly man had finished telling his refined version of the story.

The sheriff looked at the burly man with a nervous expression.

"Go to the front and ask if it's the same as what he said."

The sheriff said to the young policeman.

"Okay, sir."

The young policeman's face was stained with sweat, and he seemed a little nervous.

"Relax, Waji, your first mission may be to successfully capture a terrorist."

the sheriff encouraged.

The young police officer didn't answer. After smiling awkwardly, he drove towards the commercial street alone.

"Damn terrorist, don't get caught by us."

The young police officer thought to himself.

By this time, Wayne had already disappeared on the street.

In an unknown corner, Wayne looked at the small machine above his head that appeared again at some point.

When I was fighting with Brother Lollipop just now, there seemed to be no figure of this little machine in the sky, and I didn't know where it went.

"How do I go back now?"

Wayne said to the little machine.

He knew that there should be several people watching him on the other side of the machine.

The moment the burly man appeared, he knew the pill.

Quickly drilled into a nearby alley, after going around in it.

Wayne successfully circled himself unconscious.

right now,

Not only did the police not know where he was,
Even he himself doesn't know where he is.

He was a little desperate to find that he seemed to be lost again. Fortunately, a small machine appeared in the sky at this time.

Hearing Wayne's question, the little machine flew towards Wayne.

"Some problems just happened, and it has been debugged now. This mission is over. I will always show you the direction in the sky. Follow the machine to find the plane, but don't let the police find you, remember the agent written in the manual"

"You can't run afoul of local government agencies, I know that."

Wayne rolled his eyes. Although he didn't study hard, he still knew the basic rules.

The little machine took to the sky again.

By this time the young policeman had returned to the ranks, and the shopkeepers in the commercial street confirmed what the burly man had said.

The burly man also temporarily cleared himself of his suspicions, and turned himself into a provider of important clues.

"That white kid is called Nick Fury, and he said he is Chief Fury's brother!"

The burly man turned into a righteous citizen and is doing his best to help the police solve the case.

"Report the situation and apply for nationwide statistics on Nick Fury."

The sheriff nodded in satisfaction.

For a criminal of this level, he only needs to do this level.

He has been able to get enough credit, and the rest will be left to the big shots above.

 The group is still only me alone.

  Why don't you give recommendation tickets for reading books recently!

(End of this chapter)

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